When Things Change
by “KP,” Doctor of Chiropractic and Physical Therapy
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KP, Doctor of Chiropractic, PT |
[EDITOR’S NOTE: A few days our blogging friend “KP” offered to share this article with FreeThinke’s Blog. Not only is KP a Doctor of Chiropractic and a licensed physical therapist, he is also a fine athlete, great physical specimen, and an all around good fellow who is pleased to take on the role of Goodwill Ambassador wherever he finds himself. For all these things we applaud him, and are more than pleased to share his knowledge and insights with you.]
As we mature and move onward, so does the way we view our health, and by extension, performance.
Performance can be measured in the work place, in a home setting, in our communities, as mentors or in any number of athletic endeavors. Then there are the all-important measurements done “in our heads.” Each area probably ages in different ways and some of them seem to overlap.
Readers have probably heard the expression “getting old sucks.” I imagine that saying came from somebody who was aging because aging supplies that kind of context. Drilling deeper, a guy or gal expressing that feeling, in any number of ways, is probably holding onto some strong memories of “what it used to be like.”
To be clear, in my view, there is nothing wrong with holding onto memories of the good old days unless the memories make the good new days seem less good. Making the present seem less attractive by focusing on memories of the past is not productive; and unless you live alone or in a cave it has the unintended risk of affecting those around you.
To be fair, relative high levels of performance do not happen by accident; and that means we invested years, countless hours, sacrifice and an emotional toll that went into a personal best in any area of a life. Hopefully, the hard work and success brought a modicum of lasting happiness. If not, it could be viewed as time spent in an odd way.
There are legitimate reasons why a person would let a skill fade or disappear that they had worked a decade or more to master. Perhaps no longer being able to employ that skill at a level that was once a “joy” is enough of a reason. I don't offer any judgment. I have enough trouble trying to figure me out, let alone somebody else’s motivation.
I recently enjoyed an indie film titled “The Last Quartet”. In it, Christopher Walken plays a hypersensitive aging cellist. He is diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and knows cannot continue to perform at a world class level for long, so he plans to stop playing music altogether. He proposes to the quartet that he retire after they perform Beethoven’s celebrated String Quartet No. 14 in C-sharp minor (Op. 131). He explains to a music class that this technically and physically demanding work must be played without pauses for more than 40 minutes, leaving the musicians no time to retune between movements.
Done badly, Walken’s character explains, the piece can end up a mess. The metaphor of music as life is clear. “What are we supposed to do?” he asks of Beethoven’s quartet. “Stop? Or continually adjust to each other up to the end, even if we are out of tune?”
I propose that we continually adjust to ourselves and changing environments. I wish I had started riding my bike in a serious way 50 years ago. I'd be really good at it now! And that reminds me of something the exchange I had with my future wife, Laurie, a professionally trained jazz saxophonist, thirty-five years ago:
KP “I wish I could play the saxophone like you do.”
LP: “Apparently not badly enough.”
LP: “Apparently not badly enough.”
That was a very direct message. She had practiced four hours a day for ten years. That is work ethic; no accident. When she passed on her wisdom to me she was nineteen and I was twenty one. It is still some of the most significant advice I have ever received. It's never too late.
Keep it rolling….
Just as "you can't go home again," you cannot turn the clock back.
ReplyDeleteIt may also be true that youth is wasted on the young!
This is satire, right? Because some things that he says in his comments on Shaw’s page just turns my stomach! His allegiance to he (Shaw) is disgusting and loathing and detestable. I find him to be strongly opposed to my values and therefor detest all that he stands for.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I would love to hear the thoughts of my fellow Republicans on the subject.
FT, frankly, I’m confused about just what you found to be so interesting in this guy as to devote an entire post to him.
Gregg, you detest a guy and all he stands for, including God, just because he posts on a liberal, and now a conservative site?
ReplyDeletePolitics is one thing but KP has always been a man of kindness, live for fellow man, and moderation.
Do you detest those things?
I detest liberal values which I think are next to none when it comes right down to it. You should know that.
ReplyDeleteYes, that’s my sediments exactly..
Liberals want to destroy the very nature of American Life as we “Knew” it. And with Mr. Obama as our President they have just abput succeed in changing the American society and her values.
For example, Liberals want to change the very structure of the American family through the introduction of homosexual marriage.
What does the Left contribute to American society other than its unmitigated contempt?
I don’t know about you, or your own college experiences. But from reading some of your comments I can tell exactly where you stand on this issue. And I can tell you that in the spectrum of my Son’s college expericance, in only his first year of college, he has already had these liberal professors saying stupid things in the classroom such as "Bush is a dumbass".
Teaching in higher education typically attracts a certain type of person, and more often than not that person is liberal “crazy” professor who are Brainwashing our kids!.
A Liberal’s General Policy that the Progressive bunch fail to see, or admit.
ReplyDeleteThe Blame Game, Obama is undoubtedly the Blamer-in-Chief
On His Foreign Policy
Barack Obama, Apologist-in-Chief
War in Iraq
War in Afghanistan
Osama bin Laden
Arab Spring
The Use of Drones to Attack Terrorists (and American Citizens)
Murder of American Border Guards
Murder of Americans in Benghazi-Gate
On His Economic Policy
TARP and economic bailouts
Solyndra and alternative energy sources
Fiscal Cliff Answer? Kill the Bush Era Tax Cuts for Everyone (all classes)
Obama’s economic policies have failed to create jobs and reduce unemployment; t He also exploded the federal debt by $6 trillion.
Obama and his Democratic cronies question the patriotism of anyone who thinks that the $16 trillion federal debt should preclude them from spending even more money that they don’t have.
On Domestic Policy
ObamaCare Not Quite So Affordable Healthcare Bill
Department of Justice
Occupy Wall Street Movement
Our “Blamer-In-Chief” sees failure to support his agenda as a failure of America’s character. He sees a lack of ambition, patriotism, and laziness in anyone who doesn’t support his agenda as the reason for America’s continuing economic malaise
I think that we have drifter off topic a bit, but I'll go on and get this off my chest.
ReplyDeleteAs a member of the “Tea Party”, a United States Army Veteran and an American patriot, I have watched for over 4 years as this President of the United States behaves like a demigod and places the blame of our nation's financial woes on everyone else especially the Republican Party and the Tea Party, but never seem to take any responsibility himself. There is no question that since Obama has taken office all he has done, is recklessly spend like money grows on trees. And what irks me is the fact that these liberals such as the ones here fail to see it, or fail to admit it.
Rather than try to answer all this "boilerplate" rhetoric foolishly used as an attempt to revile and discredit our friend, KP, who, as Dave Miller says, is one of the kindest, fairest, most decent, thoughtful individuals I've met on the net, I'll post my latest response to Ms. Shaw in response to her most recent attack on FOX News.
ReplyDeleteBut before I do, I have to say, it seems obvious that those who came here to snipe at KP failed to read his article, because the advice he proffers, which I saw fit to share, has NOTHING to DO with POLITICS per se.
Now, take a good long look at THIS before you shoot your fingers off again:
I respectfully disagree with your pointedly unkind and unfair "evaluation" of FOX, Ms. Shaw.
Have you formed this opinion by watching that News Source assiduously with an honest attempt to render fair judgment, or do you get your impressions primarily from insolent, leftist satirists like Jon Stewart, whose manner I, personally, find distasteful, and whose biases show as clearly as if he had them spelled out in diamonds on a custom-made tiara worn during the taping of his snide, disrespectful, insultingly iconoclastic presentations?
That said I hasten to add that I find Bill O'Reilly of FOX fame to be an arrogant, obnoxious, overbearing bully who treats all his guests -- whether they be on the left OR right -- with an equal lack of respect.
Sean Hannity, who follows O'Reilly, is a loud, intellectually-challenged partisan hack whose show I find infinitely tiresome,but he rarely gets his FACTS wrong.
Greta Van Susteren is quite tolerable, very decent with an admirable lack of bombast and hyperbole. The actual NEWS broadcasts by Bret Baier are very professional, well put together and much fairer and more dignified than other cable News Sources tend to be.
The Leftist Bias of CNN hangs in the air so palpably you could cut it with a knife, while MSNBC has steadily degenerated since its inception, and has now reached the abysmal level of low-grade FARCE bordering on out-and-out TRAVESTY.
If there is bias at FOX, it's hardly enough to counteract the daily AVALANCHE of leftist propaganda that emanates from The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, The Boston Globe, ALL the weekly "News" magazines, Time, Newsweek and U.S. News & World Report, the old Network News machines CBS, ABC, NBC, NPR, PBS and the insidious flow of Leftist Propaganda that infuses virtually ALL television shows of every description.
Talk Radio is often obnoxious, I'll grant you, but it is the ONLY widespread source of CONSERVATIVE propaganda that has any power at all in shaping the views of the electorate.
When those on the left can finally bring themselves to admit how incredibly biased in their favor ALL the major organs of communication have been since the end of World War Two -- and maybe even before -- we MIGHT be able at long last to establish an honest, fruitful dialogue.
I sadly suspect, however, that HELL is more apt to freeze over than we are of dropping this absurd partisan game that requires us to indulge every day in theatrical diatribes, and hopelessly DISINGENUOUS exchanges of entrenched partisan rhetoric.
Now that we've gotten all the partisan nonsense off our chests, perhaps we might actually address the excellent advice KP has shared in his article?
That would certainly be refreshing. Who knows someone may yet come along who has actually READ the article and has something pertinent to say?
FT said: KP...is one of the kindest, fairest, most decent, thoughtful individuals I've met on the net...
ReplyDeleteI can vouch for that.
Frankly, I don't worry about whatever political positions he holds. The man took time out of his busy schedule to speak with me on the phone and, out of kindness, to give me valuable advice about how I can deal with my chronic problems with sciatica syndrome.
The Bible actually says the following: "Whatsoever things are good,...think on these things." Thus, I conclude that I do not have to agree with everything that a particular source has said to accept those things that are "good."
Look, I am a conservative -- and a fairly hardcore one, too. Nevertheless, I do seek out opposing views -- if only to firm up my own views. A valuable exercise and one that I learned in policy debate, when I had to argue a point of view that I do not hold. The topic was abortion, and I had to take the pro-choice view. At a private Christian school in the mid-1960's. That Christian school was in no way liberal: we were required to read article after article in The National Review year after year. But sooner or later, we had to go out into the world of the university, so we also had to learn about opposing points of view AND to discuss those views in a reasoned and logical manner WITH NO FLAME THROWING, which gets nobody anywhere.
ReplyDeleteExcellent advice. You are truly a holistic doctor, and you are a great guy and a positive influence in whatever forum you participate in.
It is lamentable that the discussion of useless stupidities has hijacked this thread.
Have a nice Sunday everyone!
If you are not a liberal when you are young, you have no compassion; if you are not a conservative when you are old, you have no brain.”
ReplyDelete― Winston Churchill
Ms. Shaw is a hate filled liberal, frothing at the mouth with Lib lies...that does make me both angry and laugh.
Ah, but Margie, I happen to KNOW Ms Shaw, and she is really not like that at all. Remember, "Appearances can be deceiving." There is so much more to people than their politics -- or lack, thereof.
ReplyDeleteMANY of us choose to play "character parts" when we participate in the blogging community.
Anyway, what did you think of KP's advice on how to cope with the inevitable effects of getting older, etc.? His article is really not political at all, but then LOTS of things I post are apolitical.
After all ,how many times and in how many ways can we say, "I hate Barack Obama" or "I hate liberalism?"
That's too easy, and frankly it gets very boring.
What's NOT easy is to imagine effective ways to combat the destructive effects of liberal policies with constructive activity.
Hey! When are you going to start your blog? I'm eager to see what you might have to way at your own place. I promise you I'll visit.
That's not a threat, it's a promise. -)
This was a thoroughly enjoyable post from KP. The comments I have read from KP avoid partisan sniping attempting to flog their favorite political party with the shallow ignorance that it's all the fault of the other party, whether Democrat or Republican, that seem to be the driving agenda of most blog posters and their comments. So kudos to KP for that!
ReplyDeleteAnd it's evident from this post that KP is a well-rounded gentleman. Whatever his politics are they don't seem to be the driving force behind his comments—more enlightenment and less hollow rhetoric.
Where to begin. You had my respect up until you mentioned Shaw’s "Fox news” blog. More lies.. another typical tactic of the left.
ReplyDeleteUs conservatives are not allowed to criticize a black or other minority Liberals. We are not allowed to question Obama's motives, and if we do, it's either hate or racism.
FT, your friend Shaw is always pissed at Fox News, and hrl opinion of George W. Bush is always mean-spirited. Because she is basically a mean-spirited liberal. Anyone like that just can’t help themselves. If there is one thing I have learned about the Democratic party over the last 20 years, it is whatever they are accusing the Republicans of, you can bet your last dollar they are the ones actually doing it. Hypocrites of the highest order.
You should understand by now, that the left ALWAYS accuses the right of what they are doing themselves. So if a typical leftwing loons.
So if you disagree with anything at all that Obama says or does, you're racist, right? Let me guess, you're a bleeding heart, WHITE liberal, who thinks that "Da whyte mayn" is responsible for everything bad in right?
How else could you stomach the likes of Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Durbin, Boxer, Wasserman-Schultz, Grayson, etc?
I thought about putting Rangel's name on the list - but he seems to have disappeared. I guess that it nice in the Bahamas this time of the year.
"Arguing with a leftist is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are at chess, the pigeon is just going to knock over the pieces, crap on the board and strut around like its victorious."
Hi KP,
ReplyDeleteThis is an excellent post.
How often have I wished I could get out and run the roads as I did when I was younger. Even if I attempt to train to do so, my knees tell me it's not going to happen.
So what do I do? I adjust to the circumstances and get out there and walk--fast and for long periods of time. (You are the one who gave me this excellent advice a while ago.) I also take the stairs every chance I have (and that's a lot because I'm a frequent user of our public transportation--the subway system here in Boston.)
And now that the good weather is back in New England, I'm able to ride my bike on the wonderful bike trails in and around Boston and Cape Cod.
I can look back and remember with joy all the wonderful races I ran, but now that my knees limit me to walking, I can slow the pace down a bit and love what that adjustment is giving me.
Thank you so much, Kevin. You and your work are very much appreciated.
And I hope that the unkind negative remarks here will be as nothing more to you than dried up old leaves that blow away and make room for new growth.
FT, I don't understand why you posted the comment you left on my blog here?
ReplyDeleteFree Thinke, it shouldn't surprise you that most of your loyal readers identify themselves as republican=conservatives But your question about growing older, let me say this, whether we have gotten more conservative or liberal as we have aged. I started out republican and stayed that way. A lot of people say to be a extreme conservatism is to be selfish, and a racist. I take issue with that because I don’t view myself as either.
ReplyDeleteI am always open to discussion and willing to hear the other person's reasoning behind their positions. If I can recognize some measure of value in either a liberal or conservatives viewpoint, I am more than willing to think in that direction, but so far that has never happened... Right now, I am SO disgusted with the left-wing’s policies and the Obama administration that I am at my wits end. Especially with ObamaCare and this stupid sequestration cuts that Obama has made.
Keep this in mind, some lefties, especially the extremists or as they call themselves now, the “Progressives” - won't care if the economy is dragged down if it's because our defense spending is cut because they are so into the whole postmodern BS that "America is a bully that overspends on the military" that they would rather America was weaker militarily. And as for the Sequestration and the Air Controllers slow down, these leftist’s wouldn’t be talking this way if they thought they thought that those flight delays would effect themselves. But they don’t mind if it caused any problems and inconveniences to their political enemies us conservatives.
ReplyDeleteVery good advice KP.
ReplyDelete"It is lamentable that the discussion of useless stupidities has hijacked this thread."
I'll second that motion!
Loved your post Kevin. As I get older I find myself changing things up just to make my body feel better. Still being young (37) I find it more fulfilling kicking up the cardio. It has just made me feel better. I even recently started biking. A far cry from the football days which parlayed into powerlifting. Through those sports along with my construction job, I have beaten the hell out of myself. But since I started with the swimming, biking, and occasional jogging, my body just feels better than it ever did using weights. I guess everyone needs to find their own feel good activities. Take care Bud.
ReplyDeleteHey FT, out of curiosity. In your opinion, how did this post turn into a Democrat-Republican argument. LOLOLOL.
People make me laugh.
Ms. Shaw,
ReplyDeleteI thought the reason I posted those remarks would be obvious given the direction the thread had taken.
As we both know I get a lot of flack, because I keep trying to build bridges when other would prefer me to help blow them up.
I disagree with you often, but I respect your right to say what you believe to be true, and would, like Voltaire, "defend it to the death" -- well, not quite, but close. ;-)
However, I am also predominantly conservative -- definitely not a moderate -- , and don't want anyone to think I am sailing under false colors just because I refuse to become a purely partisan bigot and fount of hate rhetoric.
We're in desperate need of seeing ourselves -- and each other -- with a bit of humor -- and TOLERANCE.
I see as defective the spew of invective
That often takes over the blog,
Thus I am selective, and play the detective
To remove stinking sepsis that pollutes our bog.
Tolerance does not neccesitate an endorsement, nor even so much as a mention. It does, however, entail a commitment NOT to destroy... a commitment I, for one, am unwilling to make.
ReplyDeleteOne does not "tolerate" cancers.
...and believe me when I say this...
ReplyDeleteyou are not "tolerated" unless you are perceived to be a "useful idiot."
Once victory is achieved, their "tolerance" of you will prove more ephemeral than a morning mist in a desert vally.
O Rose thou art sick.
ReplyDeleteThe invisible worm,
That flies in the night
In the howling storm:
Has found out thy bed
Of crimson joy:
And his dark secret love
Does thy life destroy.
- William Blake
Good advice KP....Nice to visit her FT.
Apple, Miss White?
ReplyDeleteThanks for the kind comments.
ReplyDeleteJ.O.B., at 57, I have worn out some of my body parts as well. Like you, I do lots of cycling and swimming. I don't run much anymore as my feet have been surgically repaired after the training volume required for Ironman triathlons. I do lift quite a bit but keep it to about 60% of max and no less than 10 reps. Always manageable.
The other key is staying pretty lean, I have two herniated discs, and as Shaw knows, lean makes it easier on the knees, feet and spine.
FT is a brilliant example of adapting with his approach to music. I'll leave that story for him to tell if chooses to.
(ll. 11-24) So, after all, there was not one kind of Strife alone, but all over the earth there are two. As for the one, a man would praise her when he came to understand her; but the other is blameworthy: and they are wholly different in nature. For one fosters evil war and battle, being cruel: her no man loves; but perforce, through the will of the deathless gods, men pay harsh Strife her honour due. But the other is the elder daughter of dark Night, and the son of Cronos who sits above and dwells in the aether, set her in the roots of the earth: and she is far kinder to men. She stirs up even the shiftless to toil; for a man grows eager to work when he considers his neighbour, a rich man who hastens to plough and plant and put his house in good order; and neighbour vies with is neighbour as he hurries after wealth. This Strife is wholesome for men. And potter is angry with potter, and craftsman with craftsman, and beggar is jealous of beggar, and minstrel of minstrel.
ReplyDelete- Hesiod, "Works and Days"
...and a thousand apologies for the interruption, KP....
ReplyDeletefor I am constantly retuning. ;)
ReplyDeleteSeen on Shaw’s blog,
Anonymous said...
Seen on FT's blog, shaw:
"This is satire, right? Because some things that he says in his comments on Shaw’s page just turns my stomach! His allegiance to he (Shaw) is disgusting and loathing and detestable. I find him to be strongly opposed to my values and therefor detest all that he stands for.
However, I would love to hear the thoughts of my fellow Republicans on the subject.
FT, frankly, I’m confused about just what you found to be so interesting in this guy as to devote an entire post to him.
I detest liberal values which I think are next to none when it comes right down to it. You should know that.
Yes, that’s my sediments exactly..
Liberals want to destroy the very nature of American Life as we “Knew” it. And with Mr. Obama as our President they have just abput succeed in changing the American society and her values.
For example, Liberals want to change the very structure of the American family through the introduction of homosexual marriage.
What does the Left contribute to American society other than its unmitigated contempt?
I don’t know about you, or your own college experiences. But from reading some of your comments I can tell exactly where you stand on this issue. And I can tell you that in the spectrum of my Son’s college expericance, in only his first year of college, he has already had these liberal professors saying stupid things in the classroom such as "Bush is a dumbass".
Teaching in higher education typically attracts a certain type of person, and more often than not that person is liberal “crazy” professor who are Brainwashing our kids!
Shaw Kenawe said...
Yeah. I read that Anon over at FT's blog. Don't know who the person who wrote that is. But whomever it is, he/she visits my blog often, but is too scared to comment. Why do these jokers who detest liberals continue to read my blog and work themselves into such frothing rage? And then go to their conservative blogging pals and rant about what I write.
That's some weirdly sick behavior.
"I detest liberal values which I think are next to none when it comes right down to it. You should know that.
Yes, that’s my sediments exactly.."
Definition of sediments:
sediment (sd-mnt)
1. Material that settles to the bottom of a liquid; lees.
Perfect definition of that person's ideas and opinions: The dregs, or better yet, refuse at the bottom of the barrel.
He defined himself perfectly.
LMAO, anyone (anyone that isn’t a FOOL) who writes on a Iphone, knows that the phone has a mind of it’s own, if you write “Sentiments” it can easily be changed to “sediments”
Definition of “Sentiments” used for emphasizing that you agree with someone.
The wisest man in history was the great philosopher King Solomon, who ruled over Israel 3,000 years ago during the height of that nation's power and prosperity.
ReplyDeleteHis story is recorded in First Kings of the Old Testament (New International Version). At the beginning of Solomon's reign, God appeared to him in a dream and asked what he desired from the Lord. Solomon asked for "a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong."
This pleased the Lord, who said, "Since you have asked for this and not for long life or wealth for yourself, nor have asked for the death of your enemies but for discernment in administering justice, I will do what you have asked. I will give you a wise and discerning heart, so that there will never have been anyone like you, nor will there ever be."
Solomon's great wisdom is displayed in the book of Proverbs, a series of sayings that cover most aspects of human life. Remarkably, Solomon seemed to anticipate today's Liberals in these gems.
Of course, he did not use the word Liberal, but instead made repeated references to fools.
One immediately is reminded of a Liberal bloggers and their anti Conservative superficial ranting and raving — for example, the twisted ravings of a well-known female blogger.
"As a dog returns to its vomit, so a Liberal repeats her folly."
© Dennis Campbe
A Liberals once told me that racism is solely a Republican thing, but I didn't listen. They said that the "R" in republican stood for racist, but did I listen? Of course I didn't listen, and do you now why I didn't listen? Because what the Progressives have been saying about the Republican Party is now and will always be "ABSOLUTE BS"!! Progressives Democrats are still livering in a self created dream land.
I've always said that racism or racial hatred isn't owned by either political party. But Progressives haven't figured that out. In their la la land childish way of thinking, they believe that the Democratic Party is all about racial harmony and diversity. They might be in need of a cold slap in the face to wake them up. One only has to read the racial hatred and rantings of that Idiotic wacko blogger called “The Question Man” to understand that .
Did I forget to mention that the younger brother in the Boston Terrorist attack is a fan of Barack Obama!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd the biased Liberal media seemed to be too busy and left out one important detail about the former LAPD cop killer police officer Chris Dorner who went on a murder sphere earlier this year, was also a left winger and who was a HUGE supporter of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, abortion and other liberal causes.
What I am saying however is that liberals shouldn't be so quick to point to the right when an attack of violence or terrorism happens, especially when the track record shows that more time then none it comes from the left.
I don't know how all the vitriol started flowing.
ReplyDeleteKP is a pretty level headed positive guy. Most of his philosophy seems to be outside political labels.
Someone needs to chill and it ain't KP.
Well, Ducky, too many of us seem to be Stuck on Anti to the extent we can no longer see there are still many things, and many people -- like KP -- that deserve respect, approbation and affirmation.
ReplyDeleteWhat happens all too often is that anger mavens drop by to post prepared speeches bitterly opposing whatever they think they don't like.
The subject of the blog post is rarely read or understood in these instances.
Too many have reached the point where they just LOVE to be FURIOUS all the time. It's practically become the New National Pastime -- Bitching and Moaning.
It ain't good.
Thanks, Kevin, for contributing such worthwhile thoughts to this blog. Lots of people did appreciate, despite all the "static," I know.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes to all, and to all a GOOD NIGHT.
Maybe someone should start a new blog and call it THE VITRIOLA? ;-)
ReplyDeleteAlways better to laugh than cry. I'm sure maintaining a good sense of humor is more conducive to good health and longevity than the opposite.
Good post, KP.
ReplyDeleteI have noticed big changes in my overall health directly related to specific foods. I suspect that I have several food allergies. Too bad they are my favorites!
I'm at an age where I MUST make my health a priority if I want to feel good. As for exercise, it's lots of walking and yoga.
Great post KP. Your insights, and advise are refreshingly welcomed by this 61 year old who is just weeks away from beginning a new chapter in my life as a personal fitness trainer. That after 40 years in manufacturing and management. Quality of life is what is ultimately important and the pursuit of staying fit, both physically ans mentally becomes ever more important as we age. Personally I thank you for your positive attitude towards life. You provide inspiration for many I am sure.
ReplyDeleteOn a related note. I work at 85 - 90% of max heart rate with my cardio work outs and at 65% of maximal strength and between 12 and 15 reps and 3 to 4 sets of each lift. Basically strength endurance training. I find at 61 plyometrics and SAQ is quite challenging. But it can be done at some level.
My hope is I will be able to help some in the "aging population" achieve their health and fitness goals.
Thanks again KP. But I do admit yearning ever so occasionally for my bygone powerlifting days of yesteryear. :-)
I suppose one would purchase a Vitriola at the same store where Pornographs are sold, isn't that right, FT?
ReplyDeleteCould you please direct us to an online source?
-------> Ktharie Heartburn