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Our next president no doubt |
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The next POTUS? Of such stuff are nightmares made!
ReplyDeleteThe next POTUS?
ReplyDeleteMy money's riding on it. The wicked witch of the east will be back bewitching us once the campaign season kicks off.
Look at the bright side. At least we'll have a president with balls again...
I more interested in who the R's are putting up.
ReplyDeleteTell me it's going to be as bizarre as the 2012 trip down the midway.
More like our first COITUS, I fear.
ReplyDeleteCOITUS being the acronym for
Communist Official Internationalist Undermining Stability.
@ Ducky: I more interested in who the R's are putting up.
ReplyDeleteWhy? For the entertainment value?
The GOOP is a dead man walking. George W will go down in history as the last Republican president.
But it's not all sunshine for the Democrats. They are our own Peronistas, they just don't know it yet.
Read up on the history of Argentina in the 20th century to see how it all plays out.
"But it's not all sunshine for the Democrats. They are our own Peronistas, they just don't know it yet."
ReplyDeleteSo, like Juan Peron did in Argentina in 1951, Barack Obama rigged the elections of 2008 and 2012?
And Mr. Obama, like Peron, has allowed the military into key legislative positions? Dissolved or rendered impotent the legislature and judiciary, presided over widespread, severe, and systematic violations of human rights?
Have you taken your hyperbolic pills today to mitigate that hysteria?
ReplyDeleteIf you insist on playing the dimbulb, I will have no choice but to treat you as one.
No analogy is an exact fit, and like a child, you are focusing on trivial externalities. That's what happens when people watch too much cotton candy entertainment like MSNBC.
First, the economic comparison. They lost global market share due to the government's inability to think beyond what had worked in the past.
Add in city-dweller v. the land-owning agricultural sector, with a government stoking resentment for political gain.
Put on top of that a corrupt political system that makes Chicago and Crook County look like child's play(the political sewer Barack and Michelle marinated in for years), cronyism, corruption and a capricious army of bureaucrats where the law is for somebody else, and you begin to get the picture.
You should update your thinking and expand your mind.
Here's an example of taking an old concept and updating it. I wrote this a few years back:
Sinclair Lewis famously said: "Fascism will come wrapped in a flag and carrying a Bible."
That may have been true in 1935, but it is now outdated, since the bible and the flag no longer enjoy a prominent position in our left-dominated popular culture.
Fascism is already creeping up on us in the form of left-think political correctness. It is enforced by narrow-minded people who ignorantly call themselves liberals. It is writ large in workplaces, academia, and popular culture. But for big fascism to work, it requires thousands of little mini-me fascists. And these petty tyrants already practice it in thousands of petty fiefdoms scattered across our nation.
I am not calling you a fascist, but rather giving you an example of what I mean. Since writing that, I have come to believe the word 'fascist' should be retired, since it is so fraught. I prefer the term statism
"If you insist on playing the dimbulb, I will have no choice but to treat you as one."
ReplyDeleteSorry. I did't bother going beyond that statement. If I'm such a "dimbulb" why did you waste your valuable time answering me?
I stand by my characterization of your comment as hyperbole.
And I stand by my comment that you played the dimbulb to avoid the substance of the issue.
ReplyDeleteHad you read further, you would realize I am not blaming your idols Michelle and Barack, but our larger political class, of which they are just one more defective and malign part.
When you step outside your walled garden with its censorious gargoyles, expect to be intellectually challenged. So yeah, better to ignore those inconvenient comments.
@ Shaw: "Sorry"
ReplyDeleteYes. Yes you are when you go beyond your own controlled environment, where you can control the debate by quashing and mischaracterizing the comments of others.
Now run along and read some more wikipedia entries on Argentina. You may not be able to resist the urge to fir back. Intelligent people rarely can.
ReplyDelete"Now run along and read some more wikipedia entries on Argentina. You may not be able to resist the urge to fir back. Intelligent people rarely can."
Being a smart ass in someone your age isn't cute.
You have a nasty habit of attacking people with bile and flinging your poop around when they don't agree with your opinions.
None of what I wrote on Peron came from Wiki, BTW. Not one thing.
PS> Being a rude, in-your-face loud mouth isn't attractive either. And those sorts of people are not worth talking to.
I knew you couldn't resist...
ReplyDeleteCare to engage in the discussion at hand?
PLEASE! I should censor both of you, even if you are friends of mine. We don't permit "vituperation" here. It's neatly spelt out in the "bylaws" pain as day.
ReplyDeleteBickering over petty trifles isn't any fun, and it has no value whatsoever.
We're all being much too melodramatic these days -- including me -- but at least I admit it.
I make no pretense at objectivity when it comes to Hegelian- Marxian-Laborite-Fabian-Liberal-Progressive-Statist-Collectivist-Fascist- Tyrannist ideology. I would not hesitate to use any means fair or foul to discredit, defeat and hopefully DESTROY this brand of thinking.
If the Right is to survive at all -- even in a token identity -- the Right MUST fight fire with fire, and do EXACTLY what the Left has ALWAYS done: Use LIES, DECEIT, DISTORTION, MISCHARACTERIZATION, incessant, relentless PROPAGANDA asserted as TRUTH, and never, never, EVER to admit FAULT or FAILING, even when confronted with irrefutable PROOF of GROSS MALFEASANCE with MALICE AFORETHOUGHT.
Leftists cannot tell the truth, because doing so would cause them to self-immolate.
To a leftist the Truth is a LIE and vice versa.
Barack Obama is manifestly a heinous atrocity, therefore we MUST WORSHIP hIM as if he were a GOD.
THAT is the Leftist Creed.
"Barack Obama is manifestly a heinous atrocity, therefore we MUST WORSHIP hIM as if he were a GOD."
ReplyDeleteNo. That's what YOU wrote.
No liberal I know or respect would ever believe that, never mind say it. Ever.
Your hyperbole, like Silverfiddle's explains nothing, solves nothing, and means less; but it is, clearly, a self-indulgent way of expressing utter hatred for the man.
Therefore, no one takes it seriously.
Get a hold of your emotions and take a long nap. It will be quite restorative, and you'll stop scaring the horses.
ReplyDeleteTake your own advice and climb down from your huffy high dudgeon at the blasphemy against your political heroes.
Leave the emoting behind and address the substance of my comments, which were directed at many more that just corrupt Chicago pol Obama.