finally got off the pot.
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Tea Party Crown Prince Trump-o-the-Rump?
ReplyDeleteHe was waiting to see how Hillary did in the first debate. She made a good enough showing to knock him off the pot. But Joe is still loitering near the outhouse.
ReplyDeleteThe press can go back to ignoring him again,
ReplyDeleteBeauregard Jitteremus said
ReplyDeleteWhere do u get them pictures? I laffed my head off thinking of Ol' Joe sittin' on one of them things with his pants down arown his ankels.
So Uncle Joe finally got off the pot, did he?
ReplyDeleteSo what? He always was a fourflusher.
+++ Laura Biden +++
I agree Biden was afraid to hold the office because he knew that he wasnt qualified.
ReplyDeleteAnd as for the Bengazhi hearings, no matter what the outcome may be, Remember who is responsible for their deaths. Hillary and Obama, ignored their pleas for help. And therefor, they both have blood on their hands.
Tea everyone? Great Oracle of the Leaves request your presence.
ReplyDeleteWell....there goes the Dems chances haha.
ReplyDeletePeople are sick of Hilary already. Another 8 years of her all day everyday....uuuggh.
And an open socialist? He can't win the general election.
Hello, and Welcome President Trump, Glad to meet you.!
The Dems are going to have a tough time coming up with a candidate as the Hildabeast will be facing indictments.
ReplyDelete! Since Crazy Uncle Joe isn't going to bail them out the uneducated low information Gruberidiots now own the Hildabeast lock, stock and barrel. They know the bat shit crazy Communist can't win an election so all they have left is The Bitch of Benghazi.
What a shame. I was really looking forward to the 3 Stooges from the Depends Brigade to duke it out !
They are so screwed and they don't even realize it.
We MUST support Trump or Carson. Either one of them is out best hope for the future. Throw all you support behind one of them.
ReplyDeleteDon't forget to tune in to my running loop with all the heavyweight pundits tonight for your shot of adrenaline. We MUST steam roll those libtard. "Really" American's are counting on us.
The Americans who want to destroy America from within, by using our own legislation and laws against us. A neo-Communist organization posing as a traditional political party that refuses to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and uphold the rule of law. A political party so brazen as to run a provably corrupt, lying, criminal as their party’s candidate for the Presidency of the United States of America.
ReplyDelete...and with plenty of criminal accomplices in the GOOP, the form the most powerful mafia on earth.
DeleteWhat this means is that the fix is in for Hillary. She will not face prosecution for her criminal mishandling of out nation's secrets.
ReplyDeleteThe President and Vice President know this already, they just haven't released it to the American people yet. There will be an FBI press conference, where they will launch the prosecution of a few low-level techies at the State Department, but announce with great fanfare that they found no criminal wrongdoing by Madame Secretary.
I've said all along that this FBI investigation was designed not to prosecute her, but to exonerate her and inoculate her.
"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything." -- Joseph Stalin
Hello, President Hillary Rodham Clinton
ReplyDeleteA wing-nut named Lisa wrote: "yes and his mother used those programs in a positive way,and showed her children a better way,instead of making them think they are a way of life,cradle to grave entitlement, which the democrats would like in order to keep a nice voting base for themselves."
This is why we think these people are not the sharpest. Carson used government programs all the way to and through college. The person who wrote that lie doesn't mention that Carson grew up in public schools, got public housing and food stamps, got free glasses from a government program, was helped by Affirmative Action, and got Pell Grants for college.
That government assistance go Carson his start in life and now he wants to take those same programs away from other underprivileged kids. Kids who may have talent, like he did. He's a selfish, narrow-minded, misguided Gooper. Just the the person who wrote that quote.
Proud Progressive:
DeleteHere is what Dr. Carson--who has stated he benefited from government programs--said about government programs:
"Many people are critical of me because they say, ‘Carson wants to get rid of all the safety nets and welfare programs even though he must have benefited from them,’ " he said, according to a Politico account. "This is a blatant lie. I have no desire to get rid of safety nets for people who need them. I have a strong desire to get rid of programs that create dependency in able-bodied people." -- Dr. Ben Carson
Proud Progressive has flatulated out a leftwing stink cloud that Politifact charitably rates as half true.
Here is Dr Carson's website with his stated positions.
Proud Progressive. If you could put down your talking points, stop speaking in generalities and focus in on which positions would take "programs away from other underprivileged kids," that would really advance the conversation.
If you can't provide something more specific, then you reveal yourself to be nothing but a leftwing manure spreader.
Basically Hillary Clinton is having to pretend that she cares the about people she left unprotected and undefended at Benghazi. She's having to act today like she really cares that she left Americans unprotected and undefended.
ReplyDeleteIt is pretty sad that Obama plans to hold a photo op to veto the defense bill---that bill includes: "Pay and benefits for our troops and their families. The bill expands retirement benefits to the 83 percent of troops who currently get nothing, and includes new tools to help ease the transition to civilian life for those with sleep disorders, pain management or health conditions, and ensures all our men and women in uniform will get the pay they’ve earned." - See more at:
Delete. The TeaPublicans have been koo-koo bananas over Pres. Obama for 7 years, insulting and racist he must have been and IS doing everything RIGHT!
ReplyDelete!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ..... ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) ...... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteClintoons and Bidoons on potty make Loofah QANGRY!!!
dis fangdevil
DeleteAccording to Hillary today, she thought that Ambassador Stevens' plea for more security and his warnings were a “BIG JOKE”! She laughed and made light of the fact that the State Dept did not even give him simple traffic barricades for his own protection, that he had to reach out to other nation's ambassadors / reps / state departments to try to get the minimum defense / security equipment he needed.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was in the Military that was called leaving a man behind , hanging him out to dry'! Hillary ABANDONED STEVENS, and he had to scrounge around to try to find what he could to save his own life because the State Department sure wasn't helping!
The LAST place Clinton needs to EVER be is in the White House
Hillary show the world that she accomplished a rare combination of gross negligence and incompetence. Now isn’t that rare for Her Highness. Sounds to me like she's perfect for President, after all who doesn't love liars?
How much proof do we need that Hillary is a liar and incompetent? I know that doesn't matter to the liberal but geez, it should matter to real Americans
She said and did no such thing. Why are you making things up? I guess that is what your side does these days, though. Get used to President Clinton, voted in by us REAL Americans.
DeleteLOL, YOU CAN'T TAKE THE TRUTH, CAN YOU! Gowdy for Prez/Jordan for Vice-Prez! Now thatz a ticket I could support. Jordan softens Hill-Beast up and Gowdy goes in off the tag to KO Cummings, Schiff, and Hill-Beast.
you already proved yourself to be a liar. Why would anyone care what you had to say about anything else? Grow up, seriously.
DeleteHillary Clinton’s Long Hates List...
ReplyDelete1) Republicans
2) Gun owners
3) A balanced federal budget
4) Men, unless they're liberal wimps
5) The truth as it relates to her and husband
6, Heterosexuals
7, Christians, and Jews.
8, Freedom of speech
9, Freedom of Choice
10, Honesty
11,Men that love Weman
12. People who Hate Al Sharpton
13. Fox News
14. Angry Old Men
15. Angry old White Men
16, Reporters Who Don't Bow to Her.
17. The Constitution
The Next Time Anyone Says, HILLARY CLINTON FOR PRESIDENT, Remind Them that Ambassador Stevens was Was Raped, Tortured, Cattle Prodded, and Burnt to Death for Seven Hours!
ReplyDeleteHillary Rodham Clinton WON today. She will be president next year.
ReplyDeleteAnd my Ass is made out of Red Tomatoes
DeleteOh! You poor man!
DeleteThe chances of Donald Trump becoming the next president of the U.S. are about as high as the above commenter, I.M., winning an argument with a ham sandwich.
ReplyDeleteBottom line …
ReplyDeleteLet us never forget that four brave men were killed, and an unspecified number wounded, in a terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya on the anniversary of 9/11. Their requests for additional security went unheard and the pleas for help were met with silence and inaction. Even worse, the President of the United States and other high-ranking officials consciously and deliberately lied to the American people about the actions that occurred at Benghazi, prior to Benghazi, and in the aftermath of Benghazi.
The airways and blogs are full of talking heads, pundits, and “strategists” – the chattering classes – many of whom are quick to make this inquiry into a partisan witch-hunt in order to derail the candidacy of Hillary Clinton for the Presidency of the United States. But, while these affairs serve as an unofficial referendum of her qualifications and fitness for office, let us not forget the obligation of the government to fully and accurately explain why brave men and women were placed in a dangerous position and why it appears that their rescue was seemingly unimportant to those in charge of our nation’s safety and security.
This is an ongoing affair and will be continued as appropriate.
5 Things I Noticed Today In No Particular Order
1) Whatever you think of his politics Joe Biden is a very likable guy., He just a stupid ass hole that don't know any better.
2) Every time someone rides up my butt and honks at me because I'm not going fast enough it only makes me slow down.
3) If you buy candy two weeks before Halloween it will be eaten no matter how disciplined you are.
4) I can't eat pulled pork without getting it stuck in my teeth & then make that strange face we all make when you try to use your tongue to dislodge said pulled pork.
5) On the 30th anniversary of 'Back To The Future' Lea Thompson looks incredible. I'll bet when she eats pulled pork she doesn't make that weird face I'm making right now because I had it for dinner and its' stuck in my teeth.