Thursday, November 16, 2017

Roy Moore as a West Point Cadet c. 1967


Gloria Allred, the American Male's chief predator 
___________ Gloria Allred _________

Castigating vixen on the prowl
Under no constraints of good decorum
Never missing chances to cry foul
This dominatrix seizes every forum.
Overbearing, shrieking old virago,
Nasty as three-day-old garlic breath,
This baggage must have studied in Chicago.
Her nature like the lady named Macbeth
Eerily erupts in ersatz rage
Prompted by the lust to castrate men.
Roaring like a mad beast in a cage
Our All Red Gloria befouls her den.
With extravagant dishonesty she’ll claim
Love for Justice, but her claim is lame.

~ FreeThinke

The Washington Post:

The WaPo is as corrupt, depraved and bigoted a Leftist Partisan Rag as ever existed, and has been at least since shortly after Katharine Meyer Graham's husband, Phil Graham, committed suicide after a short term at the helm of the paper, which had been owned by Katharine Meyer's father Eugene. 

I've been privileged to know several socially rominent Old Guard Washngtonians who were alive and fully aware at the time of the Meyer-Graham tragedy, and their consensus was that Phil Graham was a good guy, but rather naive –– a real straight arrow –– who had no idea of the treacherous, power-seeking nature of the woman he married. 

Kay Graham backed by Ben Bradlee and a few of her flying monkeys 

Poor Graham got in way over his head, saw no way out, and so commited suicide rather than live with the corruption and subtlely vicious, anti-American conniving that had come to dominate his life with the truly frightful Kay Graham.

Phil Graham had been a figher pilot in WWII, and flew many combat missions in the Pacitic theater. He survived all that with aplomb, but was unable to bear the callouness, calumny, manipulativeness and base seditious motivation of what he found awaiting him at home in his return from the war. 

In that respect Phil Graham had, I suspect, a great deal in common with the late Vince Foster.

Judge and U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore today

No One Should Ever Be Convicted of a Crime or Malfeasance on the Strength of Snide Innuendoes, and Unproven –– UNPROVABLE –– Allegations, nor Should Anyone Be Targeted for Professional Extinction Because Someone in a Position of Power and Influence Does Not Admire 
His or Her Political Views.

Obnoxious D'RAT AL FRANKEN caught in an act of full-fledged SEXUAL ASSAULT 
on an airplane. Franked must be EXPELLED 
from the SENATE, right?


  1. Few people are so appropriately named as All Red, but they should have given her a different first name... Diabola perhaps...

    Roy Moore should have stepped aside while they had the chance to put someone else on the ballot. Innocent until proven guilty, sure, but this isn't a court case; it's an election.

    The stories have a ring of truth to them, and his own wife is 14 years his junior. Nothing wrong with that, the were both adults when they courted and married, but it fits the posited pattern of liking younger women.

    Anyway, the Republicans continue to find novel way to shoot themselves in the face with a cannon...

    1. Naturally, I do not agree that Judge Moore should have stepped aside.

      Show me a man who does NOT 'like younger women," and I'll show you a rotting corpse. §;-D

      Unless and until the DemocRats pursue Bill Clinton on the entirely plausible charge of RAPE against Juanita Broadrrick –– and his rotten wife for aiding and abetting his criminal conduct ––, and sthen ee that both receive condign punishment for his many crimes against women and their shifty, shady, snake-like performance during their slimy twin careers, I wouldn't give a Democrat so much as a single sheet of my used toilet paper.

      You're right about the Establishment Republicans, of course. They have driven me OUT of the GOP into No Man's Land.

      Many have said that Bladderouth McConnell is the one most ikely behind this attempted ouster of Roy Moore. Rush said just yesterday, that McConnell may LOOK like a TURKEY, but in reality he's a SCORPION.

      Bladdermouth has already been quoted as saying that IF Moore shuld get elected, he, Blabbermouth, will immediately bring Moore up before the Senate Ethics Committee, and have him EXPELLED before he can even be seated.

      Senate ETHICS Committee! HAH! If that isn't a contradiction in terms I've never heard one.

      I'm sorry to have to say this, but the attitude you express, my friend, –– which I suspect yiu regard as "pragmagtic" –– could only serve to STRENGtHEN the hideous belief now prevalent that an ACCUSATION is as GOOD as a CONVICTION.

      Once we accept THAT deadly practice as "the new normal," we really are "DONE and WE MIGHT as WELL be DEAD."

    2. As I said, these stories have the ring of truth to them, and they fit a pattern observed by people contemporary to the time and place.

      The women told other of the incidents after they happened.

      Where are all the outraged people from Gadsden protesting this smear against a good man? Where are his character witnesses.

      I mention his wife's age not to illuminate your gratuitous and obvious point, but to point out how it fits a pattern of pursuing much younger women that even Moore himself acknowledged on Hannity.

      She was 22 and he was 36 when they married.

      No, my friend, these incidents, in some form or another, probably did happen.

      Regardless, the Moore's toast.

      Here's a pretty even-handed article on the subject from a conservative who believes Moore should step aside. My criticism is with his final paragraphs where he ridiculously asserts "most conservatives, no matter how promiscuous or unfaithful, are wired with a libertarian gene. They are philosophically inclined against coercion."

      That is bald-faced balderdash. Anyway, the article does place all this in some well-needed context:

    3. If you honestly think these stories "have the ring of truth about them" under the circumstances with which they were suddenly brought into the glare of the searchlight as a typical "October Surprise," albeit in November, I have a beautiful twenty-room, 7,000 square-foot oceanside mansion in Hawaii, fully furnished and fully staffed, I'll be glad to sell you for a mere 125K. I'll even give you a mortgage a 0% interest, and ten years to pay it off.


    4. Information like this is always suspect when brought out strategically right before an election, but new factors are now in play: Harvey, #MeToo

      People in small towns didn't go up against powerful DAs and judges, and most women kept their mouths shut.

      It's a different ballgame now. Nothing new under the sun, but the time is riper for many formerly-intimidated women to finally speak up.

      Every woman has a story--I know, because I have heard many of them firsthand.

      If you really believe that all of this is a total fabrication, no ring of truth whatsoever, then I have a bridge to sell you.

    5. Slavoj Zizek, "The One Measure of True Love Is: You Can Insult the Other": SZ: The discourse of victimisation is almost the predominant discourse today. You can be a victim of the environment, of smoking, of sexual harassment. I find this reduction of the subject to a victim sad. In what sense? There is an extremely narcissistic notion of personality here. And, indeed, an intolerant one, insofar as what it means is that we can no longer tolerate violent encounters with others - and these encounters are always violent.

      Let me briefly address sexual harassment for a moment. Of course I am opposed to it, but let's be frank. Say I am passionately attached, in love, or whatever, to another human being and I declare my love, my passion for him or her. There is always something shocking, violent in it. This may sound like a joke, but it isn't - you cannot do the game of erotic seduction in politically correct terms. There is a moment of violence, when you say: 'I love you, I want you.' In no way can you bypass this violent aspect. So I even think that the fear of sexual harassment in a way includes this aspect, a fear of a too violent, too open encounter with another human being.

    6. I want you to read this story I posted here in 2012, and then get back to me. I read it frist as a fewhman in high school all the way back in 1955. It made a deep impression then, and my admiration for its tender poignancy and gentle wisdom has only expanded with each passing year.

      Tuesday, August 7, 2012


      by Dorothy Canfield Fisher

    7. I, for one, don't want to hear their pathetic stories. They need to grow the 'f up.

    8. That's NOT what Canfield Fisher's story is about at ALL. FJ. It's a beautiful tale with a profound message about how better understanding develops given the perspective of long years.

      It's a very CHRISTIAN thing yoiu know ALWAYS to give the benefit of the debt. What we are witnessing today harks back to barbarism.

      Thanks to Cultural Marxism (Progresivism) we NEVER give ANYONE the benefit of the doubt if he doesn't pledge allegiance to OUR ideas lock, stock and barrel.

    9. Sorry FT. I was speaking of Moore's accusers, not Dorothy Canfield Fisher's.

    10. You and I posted simultaneously.

    11. I see. Thanks for the explanation. I believe we are "on the same page" regarding this issue.

      I am frankly astonished at SilverFiddle's reaction.

      As a former teacher, who was not bad looking in his day, I can tell you I had "little girls" frm the ages of NINE to FIFEEN literally THROWING THEMSELVES AT ME on numerous occasions. There were "little boys" too who did the same.

      Ever since the McMartin case we have lived in an age where no teacher, preacher, doctor, lawyer or door-to-door tradesman can cinsider himself safe from attack by predatory females and lazy, amoral, mischievous children –– or those easiy led by ambitious leftist Power Whores like Gloria Allred and her equally vicious daughter Lisa Bloom both of whim have grown rich and famous in the Sexual Harrassment industry.

      I see the hands of SATAn at work in ALL of this nonsense. The Evil One is well known for setting decent people at odds with one another while HE cackles and gloats in TRIUMPH.

    12. FT, You are imposing your own experiences on the alleged events. I have also had experiences you describe.

      Now, a question for you: As a grown man, did you ever take a 14 year old girl to your house and undress her?

    13. When she asked to go home, did you then drive her home, per her request?

      Heavy petting. Ever do any of that with a girl, sf? I remember doing that with a ninth grader when I was in eighth...

    14. Did you ever do any heavy petting with a 14 year old... When you were 36? I didn't

      So, did you?

    15. No, I was married with three kids when I was 36. But back before I had already been "saddled" and committed to a life with my nose to the grindstone, I certainly would and did heavily pet with 14 and 15 year olds. And had I, at the same age, been given the opportunity to pet with a 36 year old mature female... I would have done more than pet. WAY more. And so would ANY cisgendered male with a healthy sexual appetite.

      The only thing separating Roy Moore and the rest of us are circumstances. I remember what it was like to be 14. Do you?

    16. Roy Moore went to West Point. I went to Kings Point. My 18 on 15 experience occurred over Xmas break from my Plebe year. I suspect that Judge Moore never took that break. As for me, I almost didn't go back after break.
      Roy Moore, graduated to 'Nam. I went to Busan, Hong Kong and Taiwan, where $10 got you a "short time" and $20 bought you a whole night.

      Such experiences buy you an altered perspective. And unless you've had them, it may be difficult to judge what another man might do if he were wearing different shoes.

      I found young love one of the most life-affirming experiences of my life. It's not something I would deny anyone.

    17. I graduated, got married, and settled down to a life in working America. Many of my friends never settled down, never got married, and regularly took excursions overseas where I'm sure there were young girls a plenty to be bedded with impunity.

      What I discovered was that there was something to be said for finding that one person you could relate to outside the fantasy-world of the bedroom. I was fortunate in that I found her "early" in the process of living "life".

  2. Free Belly button lint.November 16, 2017 at 8:45 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


      The focus here is in ROY MOORE'S TREATMENT by the ENEMEDIA.

      JUDGE MOORE is being tried in an electronic version of a typical KANGAROO COURT

  3. The so-called “Lion of the Senate” Ted Kennedy was nothing but a common murderer as well as a sexual predator whose decision to sacrifice Mary Jo Kopechne in a submerged car in deep water to escape anything that could interfere with his potential run for the Presidency of the United States was the highlight of his drunken lech’s behavior. Congress has always had its share of drunks, lechers, and scoundrels, especially on the Democratic Party.
    So, why now, is the Senate so shocked shocked, and so suddenly surprised ? As we already know, there are many of their members who are engaged in predatory behavior... starting with the King of them all, Bill “ I have never had sex with that woman “ Clinton.

    1. VERY OLD NEWS, and again IRELEVANT to the case of ROY MOORE. Why tell us what we alreadfy know, unless you can show how it may relate to the case of ROY MOORE v. The ENEMEDIA or have some illuminating insights or new fact ualdata to add to the old stories.

  4. Roy Moore is indeed an Army veteran of the Vietnam war, but that has no bearing whatsoever on the issue at hand.

    Four Navy SEALs are up on charges right now for killing an Army SF Sergeant who uncovered their corruption during a deployment to Africa.

    1. You've gone WAAAAAAY out in Left Field in this one, my friend. I'm as sufrpfised as i] am disappointed.

      Let me REPEAT:

      The attitude you display, –– which I suspect you regard as "pragmatic" –– could only serve to STRENGTHEN the hideous belief now prevalent that an ACCUSATION is as GOOD as a CONVICTION.

      Once we succumb to THAT deadly practice as "The New Normal," we really are "DONE and WE MIGHT as WELL be DEAD."

    2. You're the one who posted the picture of Roy Moore, Academy cadet.

    3. And what, praytell, has THAT to do with the price of eggs in China?

    4. Answer that yourself. You're the one who posted the picture!

    5. I don't want to quarrel, but I fail to see what my posting a picture of Roy Moore as a cadet at West Point has to do with anything you've said thus far.

      West Point does not take "just anyone" who applies –– and never has to my knowledge. They are highly selective, since their graduates represent the creme de la creme of American manhood.

      One must be considered a fine upstanding citizen, an excellent student, a superior person of unusually strong character in fine physical condition, and a well-rounded human being to qualify for acceptance.

      THAT is why I posted his picture as a cadet, if I have to spell it out. I shuld have thought my meaning would have been obvious.

      Since the country has so obviously gone to hell in the past fifty-odd years those standards may have degenerated along with everyhing else, I don't know, but at the time Roy Moore attended West Point, I'm sure they still applied.

      FYI: ISince I could never identify myself as a Christia Fundamentalist, I am not one of Judge Moore's biggest fans. There are any number of issues on which I deeply disagree with him, but I hate TYRANNY worse than I hate "CRIME," –– or any OTHER form of "abuse." human being visit on one another. Most of all I hate MOB PSYCHOLOGY, and this ENEMEDIA-generated uprising Iagainst Roy Moore has ALL the earmarks of an old-fashioned LYNCHING.

      I've been around long enough to believe I know when and when not one of these sudden eruptions of controversy involving defamation of character does –– or does not –– pass the Smell Test.

      THIS sexual abuse claptrap clearly does NOT pass that test. I think it STINKS to HIGH HEAVEN.

      Since when has it ever been considered grounds for disqualification for high office for a young man in his thrtiies to be known to find young teen-aged girls sexually attractive and to enjoy watching them in publlc places?

      At the rate the God-damned FEMINAZIS are going we'll soon have laws on the books meting out mnandatory JAIL SENTENCES for daring to give a woman of ANY age so much as a sideling glance in passing.

      We are well on ur way to establishing a VAGINACRACY where red-blooded males have SECIND-CLASS CITIZEN status, and are kept alive on government run STUD FARMS for the sole purpose of procreating MORE VAGINACRATS through artifical insemination.

      Won't THAT be delightful?


    6. Aha! So you did post that Academy picture to establish his good character.

      I can assure you all manner of villains graduate our military academies.

    7. If you must know I posted it to show what a VERY nice-looking young man Roy Moore was. His handsome face I'm sure was accompanied by a fine, trim, muscular physique. His appearance at 32-40 was undoubtedly much closer to his appearance as a West Point Cadet than the RoyMoore we see today.

      And frankly, even at age 70, he STILL looks a good 15-20 years younger than he is.

      GIRLS in case you've never discovered it, are every bit as attracted to MEN, as men are to girls. And OLDER MEN have always held great allure for young women –– particularly adolescent girls.

      Melania Trump, for instance, is FORTY-SEVEN. Her husband is SEVENTY-TWO.

      President Trump is TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OLDER than his wife.

      Would you insist in seeing THAT as "sick," "depraved," "corrupt," "creepy," "morally opprobrious" and "indefensible," or are you willing to admit that a December-May romance might on occasion be a genuinely beautiful thing?

      Did you ever see The Last Picture Show? I'll never forget the scene where young, beautiful blonde Cybill Shepherd's character confesses that if it hadn't been for the affair she'd had when she was very young with one of the men old enough to be her father she would never have known the joy of experiencing what life is supposed to to be all about. I think, if I remember rightly, her lover's name was Mr. Pye.

      "If it hadn't been for Mr. Pye, I would have missed the whole point of whatever were supposed to be here for” was what she said –– or something very like it.

      FYI: one of my nieces whom I helped raise from birth, is now 26. She started dating a man in his early forties four years ago. They stayed together until she got the offer of a much better job elsewhere. It was SHE who broke off their relationship, and HE is the one who is reportedly heartbroken.

      So, Hamlet's admonition to Horatio holds true in real life as well as it does in Shakespeare's vivid imagination.

      I am posting Dorothy Canfield Fisher's story SEX EDUCATION here AGAIN wit appropriate illustrations tomorrow, and will leave it up for several days thereafter barring anything as dire as the nuclear destruction of Los Angeles.

      IF after reading it, you still fail to understand my point of view, ,,, Well, maybe I'd better not say. ):-[>

    8. Nothing wrong with May-December romances... between two ADULTS

    9. Oh DEAR! I see there is just no way I can through to you on this particular issue.

      I looks to me as though you are HIPPED on the subject, because you have a stubbornly narrow, legalistic view of what is and is not "proper conduct" and precisely what constitutes "adulthood."

      I've already told you my mother's eldest sister was "married off" at age FIFTEEN to a man twelve years her senior, and was the mother of two children before she was nineteen. No one thought there was anything shcoking or disgraceful about it at the time, I assure you.

      Now back to Judge Moore:

      Some poor middle aged fool of a woman was somehow moved –– or more likely persuaded –– to "SAY" Judge Moore attempted to undress her when she was a fourteen year old girl, and you seem overeager to believe the WORST possible interpretation of what-I'm-sure-is-a-faulty memory at best.

      I keep recommending SEX EDUCATION by Dorothy Canfield Fisher, because in a beautfifully nuanced fashion it deals gently-but-forthrightly with the false, superstitious. fear-based "NOTIONS" and "OLD WIVES' TALES" that can greatly harm or absolutely DESTROY an innocent man's life.

      Why this has turned into a Contest-Conflict between you and me, I cannot tell. I read your confessional statements below, and can't think why you felt compelled to make them. I've never doubted your decency and integrity –– only your JUDGMENT on THIS partcular issue. I wanted the focus to remain on ROY MOORE –– not ourselves.

      The lengthy quotation you gave below frankly does more to support MY view of the situation. I wish you had begun this thread with that quotation. Things mght have gone much better if you had,

      Also, I was happy to see you say plainly–– at last –– that Roy Moore HAS been the victim of "a Well-Oiled Political Attack" –– I believe that's the way you put it. You then went on to say that you regard his defense of himself as as "weak and ineffectual," or something like that.

      What it all amounted to from what I've been able to see is that Roy Moore is being cut to ribands in the ENEMEDIA because he has OLD-FASHIONED ideas about Courtship and Marriage.

      So his Great Sin is that his THINKING is OUT of DATE?

      Well, that's a far a cry from Child Molestation and Statutory Rape, I must say. };^)>

  5. The Town Crietr said

    Mitch McConnell Fights Back
    Against POTUS Trump With
    Roy Moore Scandal

    DCWhispers, by Staff

    It was a rather cagey move via Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. The longtime anti-Trumper was barely able to conceal his smirk as he informed the media that should Roy Moore win next month’s Alabama special election to fill the vacant Senate seat created when Jeff Sessions became the U.S. Attorney General, it would be up to President Trump to make the final decision regarding whether or not Moore would be allowed to actually serve in the Senate. (Snip) Democrats in Congress are said to already be preparing a full-on “If Roy Moore isn’t fit to be a senator then ...

    1. Nowhere in the constitution or federal law allows the President to decide who can or cannot be seated in the Senate.

    2. Every bit of this stupid FRACAS is totally DISINGENUOUS, Silver.

      No one involved gives a Rat's Rump about the alleged damaging psychological effects on these now-middle-aged women. They are simply being USED so that rotten RINO'S can wreak vengeance in advance on a potential nuisance, and DemonRats can gain political leverage

      I'm astonished that you don't see that.

      I'm also astonished at yiur dinning the garb of a latter-day Savonarola.

    3. You posit a theory, and it is a plausible one. Your theory is no better than mine.

      Just because rotten lefties have planted sabotage stories in the past doesn't mean that is what is happening here.

    4. Perhaps not, Siver, but I'd like to know why YOU seem so eager to believe that Roy Moore is guilty as charged, and therefore, unworthy to be a candidate for the senate?

      I am so worked up about it, because I ABHOR the tactics of
      f Opposition Research more than I do Sexual Harrassment –– and even what-is-now-defined as "Rape," and "Child Molestation."

      I regard Opposition Research as scurrilous, fundamentally vicious, and certainly un-Christian at best. I see it as PHARISAICAL to use a much too long neglected term

      What could be more shameful and ignoble than DIGGING UP DIRT in hopes of DAMAGING a person who's done you no particular harm for a Living?

    5. Regardless of guilt or innocence, as a practical political matter, he should have ceded to another GOP candidate while maintaining his innocence and fighting the accusers.

      Thanks to this man, Alabama will seat a Democrat senator. He's no hero.

    6. BALLS!

      I've heard ENOUGH. I don't know how it happened, but suddenly you've moved WAY OUT in LEFT FIELD.

      Your prerogative, of course, but i don't have to LIKE it. You've made youfr point(s). Please don't BELABOR them.

      There's nothing for us to do regarding this issue but agree to disagree –– and LET IT GO at that.

    7. Oh, ISN'T it?

      I, personally, don't believe it could be anything ELSE.

      It CERTAINLY has NOTHING to do with "Women's RIghts," "Child Molestation," Women's Welfare," or any other pet cause self-righteously trumpeted by the Cultural Marxists and their henchmen –– witting or unwitting –– who aid and abet the dominance of a Useful Idiocracy.

      As ALWAYS with the Left it is about a sheer raw grab for POWER –– nothing more, nothing less.

  6. Moore is being tried in the media.

    As for all these sexual accusations against Roy Moore...There is nothing new under the sun.

    Remember Bob Packwood? Emphases mine:

    Sexual misconduct allegations

    Packwood's political career began to unravel in November 1992, when a Washington Post story detailed claims of sexual abuse and assault from ten women, chiefly former staffers and lobbyists.[31] Publication of the story was delayed until after the 1992 election, as Packwood had denied the allegations and the Post had not gathered enough of the story at the time.[32][33] Packwood defeated Democrat Les AuCoin 52.1% to 46.5%. Eventually 19 women would come forward.[34]

    As the situation developed, Packwood's diary became an issue. Wrangling over whether the diary could be subpoenaed and whether it was protected by the Fifth Amendment's protection against self-incrimination ensued. He did divulge 5,000 pages to the Senate Ethics Committee but balked when a further 3,200 pages were demanded by the committee. It was discovered that he had edited the diary, removing what were allegedly references to sexual encounters and the sexual abuse allegations made against him. Packwood then made what some of his colleagues interpreted as a threat to expose wrongdoing by other members of Congress. The diary allegedly detailed some of his abusive behavior toward women and, according to a press statement made by Richard Bryan, at that time serving as senator from Nevada, "raised questions about possible violations of one or more laws, including criminal laws".[35]

    Expulsion recommendation and resignation

    Despite pressure from the public and from female Senators, especially Barbara Boxer from California, for open hearings, the Senate ultimately decided against them. The Ethics Committee's indictment, running to ten-volumes and 10,145 pages, much of it from Packwood's own writings, according to a report in The New York Times detailed the sexual misconduct, obstruction of justice, and ethics charges being made against him.[36] The chairman of the Ethics Committee, Republican senator Mitch McConnell, referred to Packwood's "habitual pattern of aggressive, blatantly sexual advances, mostly directed at members of his own staff or others whose livelihoods were connected in some way to his power and authority as a Senator" and said Packwood's behaviour included "deliberately altering and destroying relevant portions of his diary" which Packwood himself had written in the diary were "very incriminating information".[36]

    With pressure mounting against him, Packwood announced his resignation from the Senate on September 7, 1995, in which he stated that he was "aware of the dishonor that has befallen me in the last three years" and "his duty to resign" following the Senate Ethics Committee unanimous recommendation that he be expelled from the Senate for ethical misconduct.[36] Democratic Congressman Ron Wyden won the seat in a special election.

    After the sexual harassment case came to light, Packwood entered the Hazelden Foundation clinic for alcoholism in Minnesota, blaming his drinking for the harassments.[37]

    Four years later, during debate on Clinton's impeachment, McConnell said that the Republicans knew that it was very likely Packwood's seat would fall to the Democrats if Packwood were forced out. However, McConnell said, he and his fellow Republicans felt that it came down to a choice of "retain the Senate seat or retain our honor."[38]

    As I said above:


    1. Thank you for what?

      Packwood was a serial sexual predator and it caught up with him. He's lucky he didn't get worse than tossed out on his ass.

      The only rotten part of it all was the blatant hypocrisy perpetrated by the Democrat majority: They should have tossed out the pervert bros Fat Teddy Kennedy and Chris diddler Dodd.

      "Noting new under the sun" is that powerful men have been preying on women since the dawn of humanity.

    2. I want you –– and everyine else –– to read this story I posted here in 2012, and then get back to me. I read it first as a freshman in high school all the way back in 1955. I

      t made a deep impression then, and my admiration for its tender poignancy and gentle wisdom has only expanded with each passing year.

      Tuesday, August 7, 2012


      by Dorothy Canfield Fisher

    3. If you want us to read the story, please post a link to it.

  7. Before I married 45 years ago, I dated quite a bit. Should I now bring accusations against those men? All they were doing was trying to get to first base. Normal behavior, IMO.

    1. In a context of two people around the same age and status, sure.

      This case is different. A powerful man (local DA) in his 30's "dating" teenagers.


      If he fondled my teenage daughter, I'd punch his lights out regardless of who he is.

    2. I know a lot of teenagers that could pass for thirty, sf. In all the cited cases, Roy Moore eventually deferred to the girl's sensibilities.

      No harm, no foul.

    3. If Europa wishes to cross the river on the back of a bull, who am I to question the bulls judgement?

    4. SilverFiddle is showing a streak of provincialism that amazes me for a man as intellectually curious and exceedingly well traveled as he.

      Something in this story has obviously touched a nerve and engendered a fesponse I would never have expected to see in him.

    5. What we are seeing in this sorry episode involving Roy Moore is a virtual RE-ENACTMENT of the SALEM WITCH TRIALS.

      Remember all those dear little girls who went around shrieking, roarung, fanting, and pointing their fingers at innocent citizens denouncing them for being "WITCHES?"

      SEXUAL HARASSMENT is the Twenty-First Century's Version of a WITCH.

      Obviously the very same sort of MADNESS has been let loose in Alabama courtesy of Gloria Allred the WaPo, the RINOS and the DNC no doubt –– ll of whom are the REAL predators in the piece.

    6. @ FJ: "I know a lot of teenagers that could pass for thirty, sf. In all the cited cases, Roy Moore eventually deferred to the girl's sensibilities.

      No harm, no foul."

      Granted, but in the posited version of events, he knew their ages.

      I also agree with you that the context missing from the conversation is that rape is not being alleged, and the first woman to come out with a story said that he stopped when she told him to stop.

      I stand by the points I made earlier. The age and power differential was great in these instances--ripe for abuse.

      FT: You're suffering from provincialism yourself.

      Think for a moment... if Moore's enemies were determined to fabricate a smear from whole cloth, why pick this particular variety?

      Why not a woman alleging an adulterous affair?

      Criminal activity?

      People who perpetrate such personal attacks usually latch on to some grain of truth.

      Given Moore's self-avowed admission he dated teens and his documented pleasure in wielding power, these stories are in the realm of possibility.

      It is entirely plausible he sought a normal dating boy/girl relationship will all the urges that go along with it, and that he pushed the boundaries, as we all did when dating, and respected the word "no."

      It is also possible that he "got religion" got married, and settled down satisfied with his wife.

      This could have been innocuous stuff, but the women they found were encouraged to "remember every detail..."

      Who knows? Why don't you get outside your provincial box?

    7. I agree, the age and power differential were indeed "ripe for abuse"... but why should I hold THAT against the women?

      Name one boy who EVER had the age/power advantage in a relationship situation over a woman.

      The story's are not only likely, they're probably true. Being true, so what? My first sexual experience was with a fifteen year old. In many US States, there is no "marriage" age, and where there are,it ranges from 13 to 21. Alabama, at 16, falls in the relative "middle"..

    8. If women ever want to claim "equality" with men, they need to start taking responsibility for their own decisions. All these women making allegations played their parts in dating a thirty something man. What did they expect from such a relationship? More importantly, what did they learn? Some can ONLY learn from "experience". The cult of Artemis cannot stand on its own teachings.

    9. The road from Parthenos to Gyne is not without its' perils.

    10. Roy Moore honoured Heypermnestra. In Western Civilization, THAT is ALL that is required.

    11. As Lacan said, there is no sexual relation. All sexual relations are sustained by one thing only. Fantasy. For neither partner knows the answer to the question, "Che vuoi?"

  8. The Town Crier said

    Limbaugh: ‘Search-and-Destroy Mission’
    Against Roy Moore Is Really About Mitch
    McConnell Sending Steve Bannon a Message

    Breitbart Video, by Jeff Poor

    Tuesday on his nationally syndicated radio show, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh said the recent sexual misconduct allegations aimed at former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore had been inspired by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), who had backed Moore’s former opponent Sen. Luther Strange (R-AL) in the earlier primary contests. Limbaugh explained how it was his opinion those charges were meant to send a message to former Donald Trump chief strategist and Breitbart chief executive Steve Bannon, who has publicly said he seeks to take on all Republicans that back McConnell as Senate Majority Leader. “Whether Judge Moore ...

    1. Thank you for bringing this pertinent stay to our attention, TC.

  9. The Town Crier said

    How to tell if the Washington
    Post has it right on Roy Moore

    American Thinker, by James V. DeLong

    In assessing the reliability of the Washington Post´s allegations against Judge Roy Moore, it is fair to ask whether the Post or its reporters have any skin in the game. That is, will they suffer significantly if the story turns out to be false? The answer is "no." The story is a free shot. If it succeeds in destroying Moore, the Post will be rewarded by its inside-the-Beltway significant others of both parties. If the story goes down in flames, then those S.O.s, who understand perfectly that the Post is a partisan warrior, will write it off as a good try ...

    1. Thank you, TC, for sharng this article. American Thinker is one of our favorite sources of opinion journalism with a Libertarian slant.

  10. The Town Crier said

    Attacking Judge Moore´s Morality
    Is a Dirty Leftist Trick

    American Thinker, by Lloyd Marcus

    Black Christian Conservative Republican Lloyd Marcus here. I call upon all my fellow Christians not to abandon our brother Roy Moore who is running for U.S. Senate Alabama. Right before the election, 40-year-old sexual misconduct allegations have come out against Judge Moore, which he has denied. Judge Moore is hated by Leftists and establishment Republicans because he is an outspoken, character-driven Christian conservative; a faithful courageous defender of our Constitution, principles and values which have made America great. Moore elected to the U.S. Senate would be extremely helpful to Trump draining the swamp and making America great again. ...

    1. WOW! You really ARE a good friend to this blog, TC. Too bad I haven't the time –– or the space –– to reprint Lloyd Marcus' aexcellent article here.

      We WILL, however, soon be featuring one of Clarice Feldman's superior pieces on the subject of the unwarranted, politically-motivated attack on Roy Moore.

  11. I posted this at Always on Watch earlier today in response to a video.I thinj it applies here as well.


    November 16, 2017 at 9:40:00 AM EST

    When the cute litle girl [in the video] stated with a twinkle in her eye, "Rape is now perfectly acceptable as long as it's performed by a high powered globalist," I felt like standing up to cheer, because it's so SO true.

    The corollary of course, would be, "But if a CONSERVATIVE so much as OGLES a young woman, or dares to COMPLIMENT HER APEARANCE, he should be brought up on charges of "Gross indecency,""Insensitivity to Women," Sexual Harassment," and WORSE, and God help him if he should caress her gently on an arm, pat her on the shoulder, or (GASP!!!) ask her for a KISS, because he would then be subject to a charge of RAPE."

    This analysis is hardly an exaggeration.

    The Age of Reason has been replaced long ago by a New Age of Madness.

    1. Forgive me my moralist view that rape is NEVER acceptable by ANYONE, ever, PERIOD.

      Neither a con or libbie has the right to ASSUME that any women would welcome a caress, a pat anywhere, or a kiss. First get to know the women and by that exercise you shall know her limits

      Common sense should lead the way. As well as asking oneself how mom or grandma would view your actions should you decide to proceed with your action plan.

      Just sayin...

    2. NOT the point, Les. We are quoting the opinions of OTHERS, and who are WE to say they have no right to them?

    3. Interesting response. Of course they have a right to them. As I, you, and all others have a right to our opinion. Should have chose my words more precisely.

      Those who chose to act on their opinions, if they cross the line or accepted societal behavior are subject to criticism, ostracism, and even confinement. But that be a price they chose to pay. It is after all their decision and responsibility their choice.

  12. Myra Louise Gottlieb said

    Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., has been accused by a California TV host and sports broadcaster of kissing and groping her without her consent in 2006.. (FOX)

    And part of it was caught in on FILM.

  13. Gloria Allred, the Bottom Feeder, aka the Media Whore

    1. Of course, but why restate the obvious unless you have something illumnating to add to what most already know?

  14. Isn't it wonderful that Al Franken the known Pervert has finally met Karma.

    1. I never and never will see anything the least bit "wonderful" about AL FRANKEN, a figure I have instinctively DETESTED since long before he had the unmitigated gall to enter politics.

      The most horrific thing about Al Franken, however, is NOT Franken. it is the ELECTORATE in Minnesota who were STUPID enough to ELECT a friggn JERK like him to the U.S. Senate.

  15. Franken's already been forgiven by the victim. There will be no Senate ethics investigation.

  16. The Moore stuff is total BS.

    The Franken stuff has legs.

  17. The Moore stuff is total BS.

    Is it? How can you, or anyone be sure of that?

    What is BS in my mind is when partisan loyalty results in dismissal of any possibility other than that one wants to accept as true.

    The Franken stuff has legs.

    It very well could.

    1. No one can be absolutely SURE of ANYTHING, Les, but the TIMING here makes this sudde ERUPTION against JUdge Moore HUGELY suspect.

      Of only one thing am I absolutely sure, and that is any "concern" the ENEMEDIA has expressed for the welfare of Roy Moore's alleged "VICTIMS," is a spurious as a thirteen-dollar bill.

  18. We should also consider that the women coming forward still live lives ensconced in the communities they grew up in, among family and life-long friends. That adds credence.

    Political tricksters don't just march into a situation like that and get people to lie.

    If you want to fabricate a slander, you hire dimebag hookers to say he was all freaky at some convention he attended, etc.

    The most cogent response here is from Farmer when he essentially nods to the possibility that all this really happened, and they declares "so what?"

    1. To say otherwise is to believe that the women were somehow "victims". Being courted makes women victims? In what universe, silver?

    2. Oh THATS right. In the "take back the night" campus victimology culture women are victims and men with sex drives, rapists.

      You've bought into a false premise, sf.

    3. If a woman can't live with a failed pass, she deserves the right to destroy the man's life, 40 years later.

    4. The dollar bill's pyramid represents an imperfect and unfinished world.... and contrary to femisims greatest desires, that's the world that will always and forever remain "unperfected".

    5. Somebody forgot to tell the princesses of America that there are more frog-like suitors out there than Prince Charmings. In consolation, they can now always squash the toads.

    6. I didn't call any of the women victims. I said it was creepy for a 30 yo prominent man to "date" a 14 year old girl.

    7. That may be in the cuture from which YOU sprang, Silver, but as Hamlet famously said to Horatio:

      "There are more things in heaven and earth ... than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

      ~ Hamlet (1.5.167-8)

    8. I would also remind our friend, SilverFiddle, of the eerie phenomena involving "innocent young girls" that drove the murderous madness of the SALEM WITCH TRIALS, and more latterly the sordid horrors of the McMARTIN CASE.

      And AGAIN I urge everyone concerned about this I-think fraudulent fracas surrounding Roy Moore to read SEX EDUCATION by Dorothy Canflield Fisher.

      The story was published on THIS blog in 2012.It is still available in our rachives. and it has also very kindly been linked to this page by our friend Farmer John, alias Joe Beanie Thersites & Associates. ;-)

      I firmly believe we have much more to learn from GOOD poetry and FINE works of fiction than we do from any amount of dry statistics or so-called news reportage most of which qualifies as putrid garbage before it even hits the stands.

    9. I said it was creepy for a 30 yo prominent man to "date" a 14 year old girl.

      There you go, hatin' on Mohammedans again!

    10. It used to be the "prudent norm" that a man would establish himself in a career and society before seeking a wife... but I suppose times have changed since Rousseau's "Emile/Sophie".

    11. This ain't the 1880's.

      Were these alleged incidents between consenting adults, it would not be an issue.

      Historical precedents and well-known progressive agendas do not prove these incidents did not happen. To aver otherwise, as FreeThinke so strenuously continues to do, it to fall into fallacious thinking.

      By the same token, I have acknowledged we have no proof of any of this, but the indictators I have already listed point to perhaps not a fire, but smoke.

      Someone needs to explain to me how sneaky political conspirators infiltrated this community and convinced 10-20 people to lie, when they know they have to deal with the fallout and reactions from family and lifetime friends.

    12. Were these alleged incidents between consenting adults, it would not be an issue.

      Really? Did you get "consent" before laying your first kiss on Mrs. sf? If so, show me the signed form.

    13. Where were the "consent forms" when Roy Moore was propositioning underage girls in the 80's? Were they just a gleam in some young feminist's eyes?

    14. A consent forms implies an answer to the perennial sex question che vuoi.

      There is no sexual relationship – there is no universal guarantee of a harmonious sexual relationship with one’s partner. Every subject has to invent a fantasy of his or her own, a ‘private’ formula for the sexual relationship – the relationship with a woman is possibly only inasmuch as the partner adheres to this formula.’ - Jacques Lacan :)

    15. ...only when the coordinates that satisfy the fantasy are realized can "relations" take place. Only after "mortification"...

    16. It's why Roy Moore's passes "failed"...

    17. He did not fit "her" coordinates. Eventually, he "fit" into the current Mrs. Roy Moore's.

    18. SilverFiddle said, "This ain't the 1880's."

      Might as well be, Silver. Nothing ever changes about Human Nature. For countless centuries females used to be "married off" almost the day they started to menstruate. I'll never forget the line in Gone with the Wind where author Margaret Mitchell describes Ashley Wilkes' hateful sister India as "an old maid already cracked and drying at twenty."

      carlett O'Hara was just sixteen when she suddenly married Melanie HAmiltin's ill-fated brother, Charles Hamilton, just to spite Ashkey Wilkes for rejecting her bold proposal iof marriage to him on the eve of Ashley's engagement to his cousin Melanie.

      Scarlett's mother, remember was only 32 or 33 when all this was happening, and Scarlett's father was at least fifteen or twenty years older than Scarlett's mother!

      There is NO SUCH THING as NORMAL. The definition changes constantly with ever puff of the prevailing wind.

      Hell! My very own Aunt Antonietta, my mother's eldes sster, was "married off" at age FIFTEEN to my Uncle Frank who was at least ten years older than she. Nother married my father when she was 18. He was 25.

    19. sf,

      Stop trying to check Roy Moore's privilege. You're not as young as you used to be. ;)

    20. Joe, Nothing you've said refutes my points, even throwing in FT's disturbing defense of a 32 year old man of prominence taking a 14 year old girl back to his house for a "date."

      Your "consent forms" snark is a canard. Nowhere did I stray into the ridiculous feminist "rape culture" hysteria gripping our college campuses.

      I'll repeat: If these tales involved two consenting adults = No Story.

    21. 'll repeat: If these tales involved two consenting adults = No Story.

      lol! Then why does South Park riff on "consent forms"?

    22. In "today's" sexual environment, you better stick to the "lawerly" definition. Ask Mike Pence.

    23. I'll simply stick to what I've already said.

    24. ...and had it been teens at or near the age of consent? Would you have ruined my life, an eighteen year old with his fifteen year old gf? If so, I only have three words. GFYourself.

      I don't condone what happened. But sh*t does happen. And if we all learn from it and move on, we become better people.

    25. May 31, 2010 · Best Answer: California. The age of consent is 18, with a misdemeanor if the minor has 3 or fewer years of difference with the major, and potentially a felony if the major is more than 3 years older.

      Oh look, borderline felony!

    26. Me and the judge have something in common.

    27. Ahh yes... the asses resort to "the law."

      I've already made it clear. Similar ages and similar status, no story. What the hell do you mean with the "GFYourself?"

      You and FT are taking this a little too personally.

    28. No, SIlver, it is YOU who appears to be taking it PERSONALLY. As i said much earlier, the issue appears to have touched a nerve with you.

      There is NO POINT in our continuing this exercise in futility. We DISAGREE. The issues is NOT –– and should never BE –– about YOU and ME

      I respectfully ask you, please to LET IT GO. I've heard more than enough, and still hope for a few OTHER voices to chime in –– on the ISSUE –– NOT our adamant disagreement.

      Your perceptions will not alter my understanding of the situation, nor will I make a dent in yours, so its is time to STOP, and GIVE IT A REST.

    29. 'nuff said. It's b&w for you. It's greyer for me & FT. And some of us don't colour inside all the same lines.

    30. btw - The Athenians used to have an annual Dionysia... a time where they could judge their neighbors conduct in a world without explicit rules. The lessons weren't debriefed until the end, in the theatre.

    31. ...and so I conclude my parabasis.

    32. ...and return to the world where "love" blossoms w/o the "fall".

  19. I post this without pronouncing judgment.

    Worth a few moments of your time:

    Maybe God Was Right?

    1. All of us here know the answer to that.

      Good article: Al Franken is just the Beginning

      Who knows where or how this hysteria ends.

      The MAOists in their revolutionary frenzy are out of control and turning on their own partisans.

      Franken's picture was disrespectful, his unwanted kissing her was a disgusting--albeit relatively tame--assault, but you cannot feel a woman's boobs through kevlar body armor. You'll just have to trust me on that one...

    2. Gee, AL Franken was FUNNY in the 80's. What's changed?

    3. Tydia Rupper said

      Al Franken was NEVER funny, Joe. He always was ,and always will be, an unmitigated ASSBHOLE.

    4. Indeed. But the real problem today, is that women want to be just like that fake asshole by denying the more negative aspects of their subjectivity (as all men currently do).

      What is a girl to do?

    5. ...why find a nice PC young man who will, like AL Franken, PRETEND to respect her "fickle" sensibilities in order to increase his own prospects to crush more puss.

    6. ...on to the passage a l'acte!

      What we confront here is the fundamental ambiguity of the notion of fantasy: while fantasy is the screen which protects us from the encounter with the Real, fantasy itself, at its most fundamental – what Freud called the “fundamental fantasy,” which provides the most elementary coordinates of the subject’s capacity to desire – cannot ever be subjectivized, and has to remain repressed in order to be operative. Recall Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut, the apparently vulgar conclusion of the film, when, after Tom Cruise confesses his nightly adventure to Nicole Kidman and they are both confronted with the excess of their fantasizing, Kidman – upon ascertaining that now they are fully awakened, back into the day, and that, if not forever, at least for a long time, they will stay there, keeping the fantasy at bay – tells him that they must do something as soon as possible. “What?” he asks, and her answer is: “Fuck.” End of the film, final credits. The nature of the passage a l’acte (“passage to the act”) as the false exit, as the way to avoid confronting the horror of the fantasmatic netherworld, was never so abruptly stated in a film: far from providing them with a real life bodily satisfaction that would render superfluous empty fantasizing, the passage to the act is presented as a stopgap, as a desperate preventive measure aimed at keeping at bay the spectral netherworld of fantasies. It is as if her message is: let’s fuck as soon as possible in order to stifle the thriving fantasies, before they overwhelm us again. Lacan’s quip about awakening into reality as an escape from the real encountered in the dream holds more than anywhere apropos of the sexual act itself: we do not dream about fucking when we are not able to do it; we rather fuck in order to escape and stifle the excessive nature of the dream that would otherwise overwhelm us. For Lacan, the ultimate ethical task is that of the true awakening: not only from sleep, but from the spell of fantasy which controls us even more when we are awake.

    7. In other words, women want their own phallus' to fill their inner manque.

    8. Men will have to wear makeup, tight and revealing clothes, and promise to obey their woman's every "masterly" command.

      The great male-female roll reversal is well underway!

    9. Every woman a "master". Every man a "subject". ;p

    10. Only by passing "through" her "victimization" can the female "subject" become a "master".

    11. @ Joe: "Gee, AL Franken was FUNNY in the 80's. What's changed?"


      The arbitrary standards were changed by Feminist Maoists.

      Senate investigation? He wasn't in the senate when this happened.

  20. ________ TO INTELLIGENCE ________

    The dreary world becomes exhilarating
    Once an eagerness to know prevails.
    Imagination moves debilitating
    Non-essentials far. On golden sails

    The soul may soar free from Fear’s embrace.
    Erratic and erotic fancies melt,
    Liquefy, then dry, and leave no trace.
    Love without the taint of lewdness felt

    Impels towards a blissful, trance-like state,
    Glowing, warming, healing, energizing,
    Endlessly enjoying all that’s great,
    Novel, brilliant, filled with depth, realizing

    Coarse temptations beastly and exotic
    Empty us, then lead toward the psychotic.

    ~ FreeThinke

    No matter what you may think this is NOT in any way Off-Topic. It just demands you to THINK a bit instead of mefrely REACTING. Try it. I promise it will do you a power of good. ;-

    1. I must admit on first reading I was influenced by preconceived notions from many prior not so pleasant thoughts.

      But I found myself reading it again, several times in fact. Forgetting about it as I left for my CT Scan yesterday I reread it yet again this morning.

      I was surprised actually when the meaning I perceived in your prose this AM took on a new exhilarating as well as liberating meaning. I'm certain my last reading is correct.

      Thanks... I'm beginning to understand better what our now departed friend Jersey McJones meant when he referred to you as a Renaissance Man

  21. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS from FJ's link to SEX EDUCATION by Dorothy Canfield Fisher:

    I have long been interested in writers who have fallen into neglect. Dorothy Canfield Fisher is, unfortunately, among those whose work is seldom read these days, though she was quite famous in her time. The author of 35 books, some of them bestsellers, many of her stories appearing in Best American Short Stories and O. Henry anthologies, she was also a noted educational reformer and social activist who was once named among the ten most influential women in the United States by no less than Eleanor Roosevelt. Now, she is primarily known for the annual children’s book award that bears her name. Few of her books remain in print.

    So it’s a pleasure to have a chance to introduce new readers to her wonderful short fiction. “Sex Education” is a beautiful and strange story about, among other things, the telling of stories. It has an unusual and compelling structure—the main character, Aunt Minnie, tells the same story three different times over a period of decades, and each time she tells the story it transforms in major ways, taking on radically different shadings and meanings, altering details. It’s a kind of Rashoman tale in reverse, the same person remembers, then re-remembers, then remembers again. It suggests the elasticity of memory, as well as the ways that we might lie to ourselves about our own motivations, and it has challenging and complex things to say about what Aunt Minnie calls “this man-and-woman business.”

    I love the way the story compresses forty years of an ordinary woman’s life into a few pages, so simply and skillfully, and so heart-breakingly. I love the way Canfield Fisher uses unshowy, conversational language to reveal complex psychological depths. “There just aren’t any words to say something that’s so both-ways-at-once,” Aunt Minnie says. But Dorothy Canfield Fisher proves Aunt Minnie wrong.

  22. Killy-Lou Byrd said

    FT said above: JUDGE MOORE is being tried in an electronic version of a typical KANGAROO COURT

    i applaud that analysis for absolutely dead on target.

  23. Kudos to Silverfiddle for being the one lone voice of reason in this discussion.

    1. Your motives in posting such an absurd statement are pitifully obvious. You did not really want to praise SilverFiddle, you merely wanted to INSULT me and everyone else –– a snotty, typically devious LEFTIST trick, which this blog will NOT tolerate.

      DON'T bother to COME BACK. Anything you attempt to post here in future will be summarily DELETED on CONTACT.


    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. The day you finally stop puffing yourself up to sit pompously in sententious JUDGMENT on fellow bloggers, Les, might be the day when you and I could at last begin to be friends.

      Until then, however, you will be forever on probation as far as your posting privileges at this blog are concerned.

      Lambasting the hell our of PUBLIC FIGURES is one thing, choosing to act as a "burr" –– your word, I believe –– under everyone's saddle is quite another. Not only is it obnoxious, it is INTOLERABLE –– at least to me, and like it or not, it is I who runs the show around here.

      So, either BEHAVE or BEGONE. You may consider that an ultimatum.

    5. FreeThinke, you took my comment as pompous sententios judgment on other bloggers, please allow me the opportunity to assure you that was not my intent.

      I simply was making a statement agreeing with Silverfiddle's comment. There was no thought to pass judgment. I am sorry it was taken in that vein. My choice of words was apparently clumsy and unclear.

      Thank you for reminding me words are important, and, just as importantly they must be nuanced in their presentation phraseology.

      Thanks... Enjoy your weekend.

    6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. Dabney Noncompus de Mento said

    Salagadoola metchikaboola bibbity bobbity boo!

    Judge Moore needs to see a good cosmetic dentist. His mouth is in bad shape. That shiny front tooth look really weird. Spoils his looks. Don't they have any good dentists in Alabama?

  26. Tallahasssee Teatotaller said

    Prediction: The Senate will do the obvious fraud of demanding Moore be expelled before and/or if he´s elected based on 40 year old, politically-motivated claims, and exonerate Franken for actually assaulting a woman with photographic evidence. The camera man who took the picture of Franken caught in the act will probably go to jail.

    Gosh, how do I know this?

  27. Roy Moore would be cruising to victory if his camp had the savvy to own up to the truth and talk about it like this...

    Al Franken to the Rescue

    1. Who knew that the Left only wanted a pandering male lip service to their feminist cause, not action. Verba non Acta!

    2. Indeed. Al Franken calling for himself to be investigated by the senate ethics committee is a pander. It's a scared man falling out of favor with the politburo volunteering for reeducation camp and public square debasement and apology so he can hold on to his power.

    3. Context is everything. Since you both sneer instead of trying to understand what I am saying, I repost the salient piece of the article I linked to:

      It seems that Moore, as a younger man in his early 30’s during the latter years of the 1970’s, engaged in a marital strategy which was falling quickly out of fashion — namely, that he was searching for a bride either in or barely out of her teens. A few years later when he was 38 Moore did marry a 24-year old former beauty queen; the couple have been together some 33 years.

      Doing so was significant of a couple of things. First, that Moore wanted a wife who didn’t have a career, something which observers of his well-established and long-held traditionalist positions on cultural and social issues won’t find surprising. And second, that he was looking for a big family with lots of children. Marry someone young who doesn’t have a career, and raising four or five kids is a lot easier to make happen. In the 1970s, and particularly in Alabama, and particularly in a small town like Gadsden where Moore lived, this was not all that uncommon. Nor was Alabama unique in this respect — the pursuit of young brides was a societal norm in the generation before Moore’s and had been for a long time. Practically every Jane Austen novel you had to read in high school or college covers that subject.

      But because Moore acted out scenes from those Jane Austen novels, it appears he’s vulnerable to accusations that his pursuits led him somewhere darker. A host of women have leveled a spectrum of charges against him, most of which don’t reflect anything particularly disqualifying to his Senate bid but a couple of them would make him unpalatable, to put it kindly. In both of those cases the accuser is less than 100 percent credible (one of them, whose stepson immediately surfaced to inform the public his dad divorced her because she’s a serial liar, actually hired Gloria Allred — nobody with anything truthful to say does that), and the timing of this spate of accusations so close to next month’s election pitting Moore against the pro-abort socialist creep Doug Jones suggests that stealing an election for the Democrats in a red state is really what all this is about.

      It hasn’t helped Moore’s cause that his defense to these charges has been at times inarticulate and wishy-washy.

      You both can get on with being shocked, amazed and disappointed with me and spinning out false equivalencies in defense of a man who has done a terrible job defending himself.

      FT: I read the story. Of course memories change over time. It is common knowledge in legal circles that eye-witness accounts are some of the most unreliable forms of evidence.

      Roy Moore got rolled by a well-planned attack, and it strains credulity to believe his earlier actions did not provide the fodder. Farmer at least concedes that.

    4. Franken and Moore BOTH know that the Senate Ethics Committee doesn't investigate incidents which occurred prior to a Senator's election to the Senate.

  28. Tillie the Tattler said

    FT said THIS at AOW's blog:

    Canardo asks: Why doesn't anyone mention Ailes and O'Reilly in the list of predators?"


    FIRST: Just as in the case of Roy Moore, there is no tangible, incontrovertible physical evidence that the two men to which you refer are guilty as charged. We have only the dubious "word" of ambitious Power Chicks who may very well be nothing more than vicious. conniving, unprincipled, money grubbing, attention whores.

    SECOND: For the same reason that YOU and all YOUR kind are loath to mention the PROVEN SINS of Woremasters-in-Chief JFK, and LBJ, the Senate's Pet Murderer Ted "Chap-My-Dick-Quick" Kennedy, Rapist-in-Chief Bill Clinton, or any inclination whatsoever to probe into the Alleged Adventures of Bathhouse Barry ππ or anything ELSE about Barry-O's shrouded, still-unexplored past. Hell! We still don'teven know what GRADES he got at Columbia or anywhere else he 'allegedly' went to school.

  29. Tillie the tattler said

    FT also said this at AOW's blog:

    When Candace, the cute, very savvy little colored girl in the featured video stated with a twinkle in her eye, "Rape is now perfectly acceptable as long as it's performed by a high powered globalist," I felt like standing up to cheer, because it's so SO true.

    The corollary of course, would be, "But if a CONSERVATIVE so much as OGLES a young woman, or dares to COMPLIMENT HER APEARANCE, he should be brought up on charges of "Gross indecency,""Insensitivity to Women," Sexual Harassment," and WORSE, and God help him if he should caress her gently on an arm, pat her on the shoulder, or (GASP!!!) ask her for a KISS, because he would then be subject to a charge of RAPE."

    This analysis is hardly an exaggeration.

    The Age of Reason has been replaced long ago by a New Age of Madness.

  30. It's hard for an outside observer to discern the motivation for adult women to choose this exact moment in time to expose behavior in those seeking public office. Surely there were points such as when Franken was elected to the senate to expose his creepiness and when Moore became a judge in Alabama.

    In contrast to that there was exposed in Wikileaks the ultimate crime of pedphilia in the upper echelons of political Washington, including high ranking lobbyists in Washington and the driving elite of the Democratic party (including members of both parties)that was conveniently swept away and out of site with the "conspiracy theory" label. This crime keeps poking it's head up and continues to be ignored by the communist media of today. Eventually it will break through, I believe and has in many ways.

    Which leads me to conclude, FT, I think you should do more research on the McMartin School case. I know the results of the case in court, but there is eye opening and bone jarring information available from high level FBI investigation into the case which shows that the children were telling the truth. The investigator, Ted Gunderson, paid the ultimate price for his revelation. He was poisoned and killed.
    So the child abuse crimes have been going on for much longer then we know, at least since the '70's. Today it is more prevalent than ever at the highest levels of politics in Washington. And more than ever covered up and swept under a carpet.

    1. Waylon,
      I don't know the latest information about the McMartin School case.

      But I do heartily agree with this statement of yours:

      the child abuse crimes have been going on for much longer then we know, at least since the '70's. Today it is more prevalent than ever at the highest levels of politics in Washington. And more than ever covered up and swept under a carpet.

    2. AOW, I doubt that there is any active investigation into the McMartin case today. There wouldn't be much point since the case has been tried and "justice served".

      But we've had the issue of "Pedogate" recently with some incriminating evidence released on Wikileaks pointing to some very influential people in Washington. The reason for mentioning the McMartin case is only to show this is not a new phenomenon. It's been going on for a very long time and there are many roadblocks set out to run any investigation of the road, including more than one investigator being killed.

      I mentioned Ted Gunderson above because he was involved in more than one investigation into heinous crimes involving pedophilia and satanism. He was an old fashioned FBI agent, not the politically compromised freaks of today like Comey and Mueller. He personally was involved in several cases like the McMartin case and had said that it had been found after the trial verdict had been rendered that the children had told the truth and he connects the dots between that case and some other disgusting cases.

    3. Here's an interesting link discussing the death of Andrew Breitbart and Ted Gunderson.

      In the context of what has come out from Wikileaks about the pedophiia in high places there may some intersecting commonalities involved.

  31. __ RIghteousness Can Run Amok __

    A mask for self indulgence, piety
    Contains a plausible ingredient. An
    Overbearing aura of propriety
    Negates what to it’s not obedient, and
    So a self-sealed system’s put in place
    To exclude everything that won’t conform,
    Adore, pay homage to a cell-like place
    No loving person would have as a norm.
    The rationale for doing what one chooses
    Brings isolation, tedium and grief.
    Indulging Self exclusively soon loses
    Touch with a sound basis for belief.
    Cast aspersions, scorn, express contempt.
    Hell still yawns. Zealots are not exempt.

    ~ FreeThinke

  32. fed-up said

    Has Gloria turned over the yearbook yet?

    Judge Moore may be guilty as sin, but once I saw Allred, I thought, they´ve jumped the shark now. Unless, it is authentic, all will be questioned.

    I agree.. let the Alabama voters decide. Mitch McConnell should shut his mouth. And hopefully, President Trump will stay out of it as well.

  33. Mister Magoo said

    Why not let Alabama decide this rather than let a media beatdown of OUTSIDE influences try to rig the results because they hate republicans (unless they are RINOs) and that Luther Strange got beat?

    Somehow, the RINOs think that the media will leave them alone if they act like lap dogs. They think if they keep the same game going, they can get re-elected forever, and bringing in another RINO will work out just fine.

    The people of Alabama are greatly OFFENDED by all this OUTSIDE attempt to take their business and responsiblity away from THEM.

    We are told that someone is innocent until proven guilty.

    With the RINOS and the enemedia, ANYONE who doesn´t dance to the music they play is guilty until proven innocent, and they supply plenty of accusations but no facts and try someone in a media frenzy whee integrity is tried in the media, not in a court.

  34. I agree that the voters in Alabama should be trusted to decide to matter at the ballot box. President Trump is wise to assert that. Those clamoring for him to replace Moore, the "progressive left" are those that would not even recognize that this in and of itself clamoring for a dictate from the President is a fascistic tactic.

  35. zbogwan2 sid

    “I have been married to my husband Judge Roy Moore for over 32 years,” his wife Kayla said. “He is a graduate of West Point. He served our country in Vietnam, and he has always been an officer and a gentleman. He is a loving father and a grandfather. Most important, he is a Christian.”

    If Moore had any relationships 40 years ago and then repented to Jesus Christ and became a Good Christian, then that´s what life is all about.

  36. Bitch Cassidy said

    I still believe that those women have be bought with lots of money to make these accusations. Remember, Moore doesn´t like McConnell and would try to move him out of the senate leadership position. And I still haven´t seen or heard of a single fact that makes these accusations having any truth.

  37. FreeThinke and Farmer,

    Just so the two of you know where I'm coming from, since you've questioned everything about me and intimated I have no experience to draw from on this issue...

    I married in my late 20's and enjoyed a freewheeling bachelorhood unencumbered by any religious morality.

    Since I've been married, I have faced some serious temptations to infidelity since then by aggressive women.

    Unlike Louis CK, I never whipped it out and masturbated in front of shocked women.

    Unlike Harvey Weinstein and other powerful men, I did not abuse my position. I was an NCO, and I had power over people, some of them nice looking young women. I had the power, and more importantly, the opportunity on many occasions (lonely night shifts, deployments, military aircraft, barracks), and
    I never abused my authority one time. Not because I am some moral paragon, but because that was never how I operated. I was not a schemer; I was a hopeless romantic, and that worked for me.

    During that time, I did date other military women, some my junior, but I am certain none of them would call me a creep or accuse me of anything inappropriate or abuse of power, although off-duty, like everybody, I sometimes had my advances rejected.

    So, I've led a normal life, and I've written about it, most often when a news story broke that brought back memories:

    When Ariel met Caliban

    So, put that in your pipes and smoke it. I thought we understood each other.

    1. Congrats, sf. You are a good man. But not every story, like yours, has "happy endings".

    2. ...and nothing screams "Mortifying" liked a scorned lover's latent act of revenge.

    3. Your story Silverfiddle parallels mine. In positions of authority at several levels in business mine had a very happy ending.

      Recognizing one has power over others and having the moral character to never cross the line into abuse of that power defines the man.

    4. You're both assuming Moore was using his "position" to sexually abuse his authority. I give the man the benefit of the doubt, believing that he was looking for a wife. And his behavior in never forcing himself on the girls, of stopping when they said stop and taking them home when they asked, confirms MY belief.

  38. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  39. Replies
    1. Not a word abut Riy Mooore! Essentially a leftist's whitewash of Al Franken, who should never have been elected to the senate in gthe first place.

      Peyser writes intelligently, and makes a few good points about the possibility of delegitimizing ihe complaints of future "victims" of typical masculine behavior, but her REAL objecgtive is to NEUTRALIZE the sudden flash of anger at her precious liberal darling Al Franken..

      I, personally, happen to be a BIG fan of the so-called Nuts and Sluts Defense against women who make these extravagant claims against powerful, successful men.

      I believe MOST of this Women's Uprising is a form of BLACKMAIL designed either to EXTORT BIG BUCKS from Super-Rich Guys, OR to DESTROY Political Opponents.

      The Women's Movement has never really been about defending and protectng the "rights" of oppressed women –– that's poppycock. It has ALWAYS been about ANGRY, DESPERATELY UNATTRACTIVE UNATTRACTIVE WOMEN with a serious case of PENIS ENVY WRESTING POWER from the hands of MEN by mocking, scorning, defaming, mischaracterizing, and agtempting to DELEGITIMIZE masculinity, itself.

      They've done a brilliant job of turning society upside down and inside out to NO ONE'S advantage, DAMN THEIR STRIDENT SNOTTY SOULS.

  40. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  41. Little Miss Fixit said

    Mr. FreeThinke posted the following to Silverfiddle up above. I think it got lost up there, and so I'm taking the liberty of reposting it here.

    Oh DEAR! I see there is just no way I can through to you on this particular issue.

    I looks to me as though you are HIPPED on the subject, because you have a stubbornly narrow, legalistic view of what is and is not "proper conduct" and precisely what constitutes "adulthood."

    I've already told you my mother's eldest sister was "married off" at age FIFTEEN to a man twelve years her senior, and was the mother of two children before she was nineteen. No one thought there was anything shcoking or disgraceful about it at the time, I assure you.

    Now back to Judge Moore:

    Some poor middle aged fool of a woman was somehow moved –– or more likely persuaded –– to "SAY" Judge Moore attempted to undress her when she was a fourteen year old girl, and you seem overeager to believe the WORST possible interpretation of what-I'm-sure-is-a-faulty memory at best.

    I keep recommending SEX EDUCATION by Dorothy Canfield Fisher, because in a beautfifully nuanced fashion it deals gently-but-forthrightly with the false, superstitious. fear-based "NOTIONS" and "OLD WIVES' TALES" that can greatly harm or absolutely DESTROY an innocent man's life.

    Why this has turned into a Contest-Conflict between you and me, I cannot tell. I read your confessional statements below, and can't think why you felt compelled to make them. I've never doubted your decency and integrity –– only your JUDGMENT on THIS partcular issue. I wanted the focus to remain on ROY MOORE –– not ourselves.

    The lengthy quotation you gave above frankly does more to support MY view of the situation. I wish you had begun this thread with that quotation. Things mght have gone much better if you had,

    Also, I was happy to see you say plainly–– at last –– that Roy Moore HAS been the victim of "a Well-Oiled Political Attack" –– I believe that's the way you put it. You then went on to say that you regard his defense of himself as as "weak and ineffectual," or something like that.

    What it all amounted to from what I've been able to see is that Roy Moore is being cut to ribands in the ENEMEDIA because he has OLD-FASHIONED ideas about Courtship and Marriage.

    So his Great Sin is that his THINKING is OUT of DATE?

    Well, that's a far a cry from Child Molestation and Statutory Rape, I must say. };^)>

  42. Much Madness is divinest Sense ––
    To a discerning Eye ––
    Much Sense ––- the starkest Madness ––
    ’Tis the Majority
    In this, as all, prevail ––
    Assent –– and you are sane ––
    Demur –– you’re straightway dangerous ––
    And handled with a Chain ––

    ~ Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)



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