Wednesday, July 26, 2017

This week, we invite you to speculate
 on the recent performance 
of two public figures

Attorney General 
Jeff Sessions

Silent-but-Deadly, or Weak and Ineffectual?

Senator John McCain

Does Hero to the Left equal Traitor to the Right?

... AND NOW THIS ...

If you don't get it, you ain't got it.


  1. They both need to be replaced

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. That may be true, but what does it have to do with either Jeff Sessions or John McCain?

      Comments MUST relate to the topic. If not they will be DELETED.

  3. Why are you wasting your time on this stuff, kid?

    Go back to the arts, poetry and music. Hell, get yourself an ant farm. Watching insects is more rewarding and comprehensible that attempting to analyze that den of thieves, scoundrels and pirates in DC!

    I love ya, kid, and I love your blog, but this is a waste of time.


    1. “As soon as any man says of the affairs of the State ’What does it matter to me?’ the State may be given up for lost.”

      ~ Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)

    2. A Canine named JadeJuly 26, 2017 at 3:06 PM

      That statement is based upon the premise that ordinary people can do something about it.

      The DC Syndicate is impervious to the words and actions of ordinary citizens. It is demonstrating to us now it is impervious to election results.

    3. Knowledgeable, concerned, engaged electorates can have an impact. But that doesn't describe the US electorate these days now does it?

    4. "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."

      ~ Matthew 18:20 - KJV

      "WIth God all [good] things are possible."

      "If God be for us, who can be against us?"

    5. A Canine named JadeJuly 26, 2017 at 3:44 PM

      Well and good. What hath those passages to do with the goings on in that Pirate's Cove known as the District of Columbia?

    6. Everything, Jade. Absolutely EVERYTHING.

      If you don't understand that, your moral and religious education must have been sorely lacking.

      Who we are and what we do cannot be separated from God anymore than we could separate individual sunrays from the Sun, itself.

      "... The ungodly are not so, but are like the chaff which the wind drive away..."

      ~ Pslam 1 - KJV

    7. A Canine named JadeJuly 28, 2017 at 10:10 AM

      Then what conclusion shall we draw from your Biblical quotations?

      What is your POINT, man?

      The Bible may well be true, but it is also true that people, including politicians, go their own way and do shitty things.

  4. Dr. Marvin GrossweinerJuly 26, 2017 at 2:48 PM

    Senator McCain will continue to be a carping pain in everyone's ass. It is abundantly clear he is not going anywhere. His brain rotted decades ago. I am surprised there remained any matter for the cancer to cling to. The man is a walking pile of bile-fueled malignancy.

    Poor Jefferson Sessions is a cornered mouse wondering why he befriended the large tabby now twitching its tail and staring him down.

    Donald Trump has brought us the biggest, gaudiest reality show ever.

    1. Are you not willing to give Senator McCain ANY credit for getting out of what-may-very-well-turn-out-to-be his DEATH BED to travel all the way across the country in order to cast the deciding vote compelling the senate to begin formal DEBATE on this absurd, seemingly ill-fated "Healthcare bill?"

      Have you become SO cynical you are incapable of crediting him with any better motive than SELF-AGGRANDIZEMENT?

      I heard what he said to the senate, and was frankly impressed by his tone, which seemed more earnest, sincere and intelligent than anything else he's said in many years.

    2. ������

    3. Three thumbs up.

    4. Dr. Marvin GrossweinerJuly 26, 2017 at 7:39 PM

      Yes. I really have become "SO cynical you are incapable of crediting him with any better motive than SELF-AGGRANDIZEMENT."

      John McCain is a man of little accomplishment. He almost destroyed the carrier he was assigned to, he has accomplished little of merit in the Senate, and his singular heroic accomplishment was surviving six grueling years of torture at the hands of the North Vietnamese Communists.

    5. If we are incapable of giving credit where credit is due, "Doctor," we are incapable of rendering Sound Judgment on ANY issue.

      John McCain was, indeed, a mediocre student. I've read that he graduated at the bottom of his class at Annapolis, and his record of service while on active duty was undistinguished, [although I believe the act of flying combat missions from the deck of aircraft carrier takes extraordunary courage in and of itself and a great deal of expertise], but he did one EXTRAORDINARILY noble thing while he remained in captivity:

      He REFUSED EARLY RELEASE from POW CAMP when it was offered, because HE REGARDED THAT as UNFAIR to his FELLOW POWS.

      That ALONE distinguishes John McCain from ordinary men, and should forever COMMAND our RESPECT.

      I don't know you,"Doctor," but I seriously doubt that YOU would have what it takes to withstand FIVE YEARS of TORTURE in a place like the Hanoi Hilton. I know damned well that I would never have been able to pass such a test, so I thamk God every day that men like John McCain were willing to do it FOR me.

      That said, I would agree that his performance as a U.S. Senator has been erratic, enigmatic, and often infuriating. If you don't like it, howevewr, you must blame the citizens of the state of ARIZONA, because it is THEY who keep sending John McCain in power.

    6. OUTER of HYPOCRITES said

      FT wrote and posted about McCain just a couple of days ago:

      John McVain got his brain
      Washed in Commie Pee
      At Hanoi Hilton, and so he
      Came back to combat liberty ––
      To undermine and wreck what we
      Achieved to try to keep us free
      From encroaching tyranny,
      And so this hollowed out zombie
      Functions as our Enemy.

      Sorry, FT, but I'm not going to let you get away with such blatant hypocrisy. You really stink, man.

    7. Dr. Marvin GrossweineJuly 27, 2017 at 4:03 PM

      I gave due credit. Open your ears!

      McCain's heroism while in captivity, which I cited in my previous comment, is immaterial to his senatorial rantings and ravings.

    8. I disagree completely, "Doctor." To evaluate a person's character by giving more weight to his failings than to his good points does a great disservice to both Fairness AND Truth.

      As I've said repeatedly, I do not care for John McCain's overall performance as a legislator, but the only people who deserve blame for that are the VOTERS in Arizona. Apparently, THEY find him most satisfactory, and THEY are the ONLY ones who have the power to turn him out of office,

    9. By the way, THANK YOU, Mr. OUTER. It's always flattering to see oneself quoted, even in a pejorative light. At least it shows that SOMEONE was PAYING ATTENTION to my words.

      Good for you!

    10. Dr. Marvin GrossweinerJuly 28, 2017 at 10:16 AM

      Mr. FreeThinke, I assigned no weighted values to the different aspects of John McCain. Quite simply stated, his heroism in a prison camp has nothing to do with his performance as a senator.

      To argue otherwise would be to embrace the absurd notion that a Hollywood celebrity should be listened to when donning fake eyeglasses and expounding upon global warming, the glories of socialism or other such nonsense.

    11. Obviously you wanted to have the Last Word, "Doctor," so go ahead and have it. I'm happy to accommodate you, since further discussion between us would surely prove fruitless.

  5. Who Cares?

    The GOOP is self-immolating over how to stamp their own brand on a dicatorial statist program that proceeds from a flawed premise. I wish them all the worst. They are trapped, victims of their campaign lies.

    The GOOP will probably keep the senate, but they will lose the house. And you know what? It won't matter.

    The first mistake was Jeff Sessions recusing himself. President Trump's failure was sealed with the appointment of a special prosecutor and his merry band of Democrat activists casting their nets far and wide. They will find something. They will find something on Donald Trump.

    The combo of Sessions' recusal and appointing the special prosecutor essentially de-balls Justice, kicks them out of their own house, and locks the doors on them.

    Meanwhile other GOOPers, who the American People elected to be in charge are recusing themselves, Devin Nunes is tied up in knots by Democrats on the House Ethics Panel...

    American voters gave the GOOP all the power to rule DC, and six months later, they are de-pantsed, raped, robbed, crying and attacking one another.

    The GOOP is an embarrassment. Trump is a failure. The only good left in any of this outhouse fire is that Hillary isn't president.

    So, in summary, I do care, but watching the government and commenting on it is a waste of time. I'm with Jack on that one. Better to tune all that crap out and find a rewarding hobby.

    I really do wonder if God hates America.


    1. “And he saith unto them, 'Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?' Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm.”

      ~ Matthew 8:26 - KJV

      "And Jesus said unto them, 'Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.'"

      ~ Matthew 17:20 - KJV

    2. As you know, I am a big fan and avid reader of the Bible, but such responses are unhelpful.

      I am not in despair, neither for myself or my family. I have a great faith in God Almighty, and I believe in Him, and in Him my hope rests.

      DC has nothing to do with that--and although I don't accuse you of it--I'm worn out with people trying to justify politics or using religion to cloak political activity in Holiness or God's plan, or whatever.

      Abe, what say you?

      Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right." - Abraham Lincoln

      Jesus Christ, True God and True Man, gets the last word:

      "Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's."

    3. I disagree, but haven't the energy to engage in formal argument.

      Too often what we earnestly BELIEVE we are saying fails to be received by the reading public in the spirit in which it is offered.

      Your rhetoric makes you SOUND for all the world like a man buffetted by shrieking blasts of icy cold wind dangling over a rocky ravine at the end of a fraying rope.

      I know you are hardly that, but most of our readers are not so savvy, so I believe we need to aspire to a greater degree of temperance in our public expostulations.

      And Abraham Lincoln, –– Violator of the Constitution, Suspender of Habeas Corpus, Jailer of opposing voices, Flouter of the U.S. Supreme Court, and one of the great Destriyers and Mass Murderers in History ––, is the very LAST person from whom I would want to hear on the subject of godliness and moral rectitude.

    4. Regardless of what you think of Honest Abe, his quotation I cited should be enblazoned upon the heart of every God-fearing person.

      The GOOP is an embarrassing failure. They have amply demonstrated they cannot legislate and govern at the federal level.

      Special Prosecutors never wrap things up by telling everyone, "Well folks, we're wrapping it up. We found nothing."

      Special Prosecutors keep digging until they find something, anything. The went after President Clinton for an incident immaterial to the investigation.

      They fried Scooter Libby for making making contradictory statements that should have been chalked up to poor memory and not taking notes at the time. And then George Winter Warrior Bush wouldn't even pardon him.

      This is not rhetoric. Like my comment above, it is a fact-based opinion based upon observation and logical inference.

      Obviously, I have reached a different conclusion than you, but reasonable people can disagree, and do so in a friendly way.

      I hope I'm wrong, but I don't see any of this coming to a good end.

    5. SF,
      Trump is a failure.

      Not yet, IMO.

      I'm waiting this out for a while -- at least two years. I want to know what's been going on below the radar.

      We don't know what we don't know.

    6. I would NEVER say that President TRUMP is a FAILURE. I coud only say what believe to be true: Those elected t SUPPORT President Trump have FAILED HIM –– miserably,

      President Trump remains a positive force for Good, but he has been resisted, balked, defamed and reviled by ... well, do I REALLY need to say it again?

      Those who don't see it by now, never will.

      The fault is not in our PRESIDENT, but in OURSELVES, because we in our ignorance and lazy-mindedness persist in allowing ourselves to be DUPED and MISLED by the Powers That Be.

      If all you mnow is what you read in the papers, you really DON'T "know SHIT frm SHINOLA."

    7. If you believe I am being duped, please enlighten me.

      I have stated my criticism's quite clearly and done so from a basis of observed facts. I have also expressed my disappointment.

      Apologies to AOW, but anyone waiting for the denouement--when President Trump's brilliant cliff-hanger strategy finally bears fruit and the trap door opens beneath all his enemies--will end up disappointed.

      Mueller will come out waving documents having to do with alleged lawbreaking by Donald Trump in his business dealings prior to winning the presidency.

      It's not a clear impeachable offense, so it will do nothing but stoke this interminable, stinking, billowing tire fire.

    8. SF,
      No need to apologize to me!

      I'm watching the things that are happened below the radar.

      To hell with Mueller.

      And what is all this going on with the Awan Brothers? I read today that one has turned fink. Who is he ratting out? If what I read is true, that is.

    9. SF and FT,
      What do you make of this: Did Congress Just Hand Sessions Everything He Needs?


      video is preset to begin with Gaetz's statement beginning at 6:59:27 and continues through to 7:03:00 and beyond - this amendment completely struck the content of the bill and substituted a request for information on a wide range of subjects - the linked video's best part includes Gaetz
      calling out Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Bill Clinton, Barrack Obama, and Hillary Clinton

      FWIW, there was a WH-anon who suggested Trump was quietly undermining the dems bill with Mueller's appt. as special counsel to flip their investigation on it's political axis...whilst the left was too caught up in their own arrogant and autistic screeching over Trump's trans military ban. Dems hoisted by their own petard!

      Check out the rest at the link.

    10. I'll say it again, thugh diubtless it will fall in deaf ears as it has in the recent past:

      "INVESTIGATION produces DISORIENTATION and CONSTIPATION in the process of enactng LEGISLATION."

      And if you don't believe that THAT is the primary MOTIVATION behind all these farcical machinations on the part of the UNIPARTY in diabolical COLLUSION with the ENEMEDIA, I own a beautiful orange-colored bridge spanning San Francisco's Golden Gate I'll be glad to sell you CHEAP for a mere two-milliion bucks.

      The Establishment, –– now run almost entirely by committed Globalists ––, does NOT want President Trump's Agenda to succeed. PERIOD!

      Any OTHER considerations regarding these matters amounts to so much HOGWASH.

    11. FreeThinke old friend. I call 'em as I see 'em. Please don't imagine I take any pleasure in what I see.

      Also, you know from personal discussions I am neither a conspiracy theorist, not am I one who laps up what the Infotainment Media Complex dishes out.

      The Peddler of the infamous peeing Russian Hookers dossier, Orbis, is being sued for defamation, BuzzFeed and Establishment dirty tricksters Fusion GPS are all being called in, and they are covering their own asses and implicating others, all under oath.

      As AOW points out, Congress and Justice are most likely on the trail of numerous Democrat malefactors, and Schultz's IT guys are now under arrest...

      So there are many Democrat lids that could blow, but Mueller's fishing excursion with his yacht full of Democrat operative will continue.

      The best that came come out of this, from President Trump's point of view is a tit-for-tat scorched earth. They go after him, his Justice Department goes after Hillary, Loretta Lynch, the FISA and unmasking abuses by Susan Rice et al...

      I am hoping the whole rotten floor gets pulled up and numerous DC insiders get dragged down. It would be a healthy catharsis.

    12. SF,
      I am hoping the whole rotten floor gets pulled up and numerous DC insiders get dragged down. It would be a healthy catharsis.

      That would be just grand!

      Let Mueller fish.

    13. "Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free."

      I would agree, but with the massive amount of Deception, Dissimulation, Sophistry, Guile, Corruption and Miseducation now passing for News, Education and Entertainment I wonder if it may still be possible for anyone to be able to RECONGNIZE the TRUTH anymore?

      That HAS been the aim of the Marxian Seditionists and Internationalists, all along –– to CONFUSE and DISORIENT the populace with so much MISINFORMATION and agenda-driven Cant and Rhetoric that they can no longer differentiate between right and wrong, up and down or black and white,

  6. Professor Victor SchenckJuly 26, 2017 at 3:06 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. We've heard more than enough of your smarmy, vacuous, hypocritical platitudes, "Professor."

      Now be off with you, and please DON'T return.

  7. If the G.O.P. assumed operations of the most prosperous bordello in the world, it would be bankrupt in six months time.

    1. That gaggle of snowgeese would never find the shrewdness and would not have the temerity to invest in such an organizaton in the first place.

  8. Speculate? Looking through my speculum, I see anal suppurations, vaginal warts from advances venereal disease, and internal rot.

    It is a miracle of Vishnu that America's spine has not yet fallen through its asshole and broken our freaking necks!

    1. I pity the dismal, downtrodden, wholly negative appraisal of your situation in life, "Doctor."

      I suppose in your current frame of mund you'd dismiss it as "hogwash," but the Power of Positive Thinking still exists for those wise enough to make the considerable effort it takes to embrace it.

      Constant Complaint, ceaseless Lamentation, carping Criticism, vociferous Accusation and bitter Denuncation are the primary chracteristics of GODLESS, LEFTIST ACTIVISTS and the destructive MARXIAN IDEOLOGY they foolishly advocate.

      That depraved mode of thinking brings about its own misery, failure and ultimate dissolution.

      I stongly urge you to abandon this perverse philosophy before you eliminate your every chance to ac hieve Salvation.

    2. I am doctor not televangelist. Mankind survive in spite of ruling corruptions.

  9. FT,
    Did you happen to hear Rush Limbaugh yesterday on the topic of President Trump's "attacks" on Jeff Sessions? There must be a transcript somewhere online. I hope that you can find it!

    1. Unfortunately Rush has been effectively ELIMINATED in my area of the country, AOW. We simply can NOT get his program anymore where I live. It has been drowned out by yet-another disseminator of ROCKRAP –– the Great Destroyer of traditional American Civilization in my highly-educated opinion.

      As for reading transcripts, my worsening eyesight makes that highly improbable, if not diwnright impossible. It literally HURTS to read more than a few paragraphs now, even when the type is highly magnified.

      No point in lamenting. I am convinced that life is MEANT to be a continual GRINDING DOWN process till finally DEATH releases us from incessant pain and deprivation of one sort or another.

      It is up to us to learn to be "GOOD SPORTS" about it, and strive to do the best we can while TRUSTING in GOD under continually worsening conditions.

      If we learn nothing from our suffering, and develop little or no WISDOM or EMPATHY as a result, we have FAILED at life.

      On the other hand, if we gain INSIGHT and a greater sense of PERSPECTIVE on our journey, the ENLIGHTENMENT that comes will help TRANSCEND earthly cares and woes and thus TRANFORM our pain into a profound kind of JOY –– just as it did for Emily Dickinson.

    2. FT,
      I'm not a regular listener to Rush, but I caught 30 minutes yesterday. An outstanding analysis of what's going on with Trump and Sessions.

      Ah, well. Too bad that you can't hear that bit. I think that Rush has it right.

    3. PS: I laughed out loud several times. It was that good!

    4. @ FreeThinke: It is up to us to learn to be "GOOD SPORTS" about it, and strive to do the best we can while TRUSTING in GOD under continually worsening conditions.

      If we learn nothing from our suffering, and develop little or no WISDOM or EMPATHY as a result, we have FAILED at life.

      On the other hand, if we gain INSIGHT and a greater sense of PERSPECTIVE on our journey, the ENLIGHTENMENT that comes will help TRANSCEND earthly cares and woes and thus TRANFORM our pain into a profound kind of JOY –– just as it did for Emily Dickinson.

      That's the ticket. Go cat go!


  10. About John McCain....

    I have great empathy for him and his family. Death by glioblastoma is a terrible way to go. I've seen it twice -- up close and personal.

    That said, just because McCain is dying, I will not canonize him.

    Also, please note how he voted yesterday: no on an ObamaCare repeal. Sheesh.

    1. While I remain highly dissatisfied with Senator McCain's overall performance in the legislature, I still retain considerable respecg for him as a remarkably brave, stoic, strong-minded individual [Please see remarks I posted to onde of his ardent detractors above].

      Don't you think –– as I tend ti do –– that doing "Something" –– "ANYTHING" –– is NOT better than doing "Nothing?"

      The cost of Medical Care has been driven up exponentially, BECAUSE we allowed GOVERNMENT to get its clumsy, filthy, corrupt hands on it via the unitiatiin of MEDICARE.

      Medicare was the Camel's Foot that got into our Medical Tent.

      Now –– like the poor stupid Bedouin in the Arab legend –– WE are outside in the wind and cold, while the CAMEL (Big Government) luxuriates inside what-USED-to-be OUR shelter.

      Once we violate or abandon a Fundamental Principle, we place ourselves firmly on one of the many roads that lead inevitably to RUIN.

      "They that can give up essential liberties for a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

      ~ Franklin (1706-1790)

      "I place economy among the first and most important virtues, and public debt as the greatest danger to be feared."

      ~ Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

      “I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.”

      ~ James Madison (1751-1836)

    2. FT,
      Don't you think –– as I tend ti do –– that doing "Something" –– "ANYTHING" –– is NOT better than doing "Nothing?"

      I'm sorry, but I don't follow your meaning there.

    3. FT,
      I am concerned that John McCain will do a great deal to persuade Congress and the American people to go with single payer.

      This is not to say that I minimize what he's going through with glioblastoma.

      I have found that people of his age typically face death with courage and grace. In fact, I can't think of a single exception to the statement I just made! Wisdom, I suppose, comes with age with regard to mortality.

    4. I worry that some of my friends will suffer if ObamaCare collapses. As it is now, the deductible they face right now prohibits their seeking medical care. And some of my friends do need medical care -- The Merry Widow being one such friend.

    5. AOW to FT:

      Don't you think –– as I tend to do –– that doing "Something" –– "ANYTHING" –– is NOT better than doing "Nothing?"

      AOW: I'm sorry, but I don't follow your meaning there.

      It was just anither way of saying, "It's better to do nothing than ti do the WRONG thing."

      Often, when we make "Change for the Sake of Change" we do more harm than good.

      The Law of Unintended Consequences is forever at work.

      I've never been one of McCain's fans, but I think all this "piling on" on the part of the Right is vulgar, unkind and unseemly.

      And, as my Dad was find of sayng, "The Sober Second Thought is Seldom Wrong.

      And I would dare to remind us once again, that it does no good whatsoever to worry over thingsover which we have no control. That's the place where FAITH must take over lest we be driven mad.

    6. The great American humorist and sometime cartoonist, James Thurber, put it yet another way:

      "He who hesitates is –– sometimes –– SAVED!

      I've always gotten a kick out of that.

    7. FT,
      Earlier in this thread you asked:

      Are you not willing to give Senator McCain ANY credit for getting out of what-may-very-well-turn-out-to-be his DEATH BED to travel all the way across the country in order to cast the deciding vote compelling the senate to begin formal DEBATE on this absurd, seemingly ill-fated "Healthcare bill?"

      Sure, he gets credit for that in my book.

      He voted to repeal and replace Obamacare, then voted no to a partial repeal.

      So, we cannot accurately say that he did nothing so as to avoid doing the wrong thing.

      Let's see how he votes on the next round: "the skinny repeal," I believe it's been dubbed. I haven't a clue what the term entails, though.

      I just read this incredible statement about the "skinny repeal":

      Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Ron Johnson and Bill Cassidy say they will not vote for "skinny" Obamacare repeal unless they get assurances that it will not become law.




      I've never been one of McCain's fans, but I think all this "piling on" on the part of the Right is vulgar, unkind and unseemly.

      I don't see that how Senator McCain is voting on ObamaCare is piling onto Senator McCain. He returned to Capitol Hill, after all.

    8. FT,
      Often, when we make "Change for the Sake of Change" we do more harm than good.

      Many were elected to Capitol Hill on the basis of fulfilling certain political platforms, one of which involved ObamaCare. Remember the Tea Party Caucus? I'm sure that you do!

      For 7 straight years, the GOP on Capitol Hill voted to repeal ObamaCare. Now they have a POTUS who will sign such a bill, and they choke!

      I tell you this...

      If the GOP doesn't get its act together and produce, the 2018 and 2020 elections will be bloodbaths.

      Opportunity squandered!

      So, this time, hesitating can be deadly.

      Of course, all this begs one question in my mind:



      The answer to that, of course, constitutes the Heart and Soul of the problem. All the rest of the deplorable situation we're forced to deal with right now is just so much Window Dressing –– a Farce –– a Potemkin-lke PRETENSE at governing –– a Vain Show –– nothing but Panem e Circenses.

      We can grumble, lament, accuse, denounce and fulminate till the cows come home, but ALL we're doing is deepening the Circular RUT around which we run in fruitfless pursuit of an acceptable Answer to the crying Need for a Solution.

      If we don't stop going 'round in circles, the RUT we are digging will become so DEEP, the sidewalls are bound to collapse and BURY us,

      "Be STILL, and KNOW that I am GOD ..."

      ~ Psam 46

      I believe the Problem to be EXISTENTIAL. The anti-Christian, anti-Tradition, pro-Marxian Academic Secularists, apparently, want to believe that THEY are capable of achievng Heaven on Earth –– even IMMORTALITY with PERMANENT YOUTHFUL VITALITY for "EVERYONE" –– if only "we" would simply bow down to THEM and OBEY their Commandments.

      In other words "THEY" in their boundless conceit and arrogance are determined to substitute THEMSELVES for Almighty GOD.

      If THAT is not doing the Devil's Work, I can't imagine what would be.

  11. Ars Poetica Satirica said

    It's such fun singing Songs of Doom
    Here in Blogger's Romper Room
    Intoxicating more than Meth
    Is the foetid Breath of Death.
    'Tis wondrous to behold the Sighs
    Accompanying our Demise!
    Gabbling here in Romper Room
    Makes joy in contemplating Doom!
    More fun even than coition
    Is the constant opposition!
    Harmony is oh-so boring
    And doubtless soon would see us snoring!
    Life for some sans sneers and sniping
    Would be reduced to weak shrill piping!

    ~ Anne Imus in Mourning

    1. Swifton Dedleigh said

      Well, Ars Umus, as usual the smartest, cleverest, most succinct analysis gets ignored.

      "When will they ever learn?"

      Probably never.

  12. A hypothetical question: If 85% of a democracy voted on say national healthcare should their elected government respond to this majority's desire? Should the 15% be able to opt put and accept the consequences of their decision, whatever that might be?

    1. If a flaming pinhead simpleton claims to be a Randian conservative but spends 85% of his time as a dancing boy entertaining the kook fringe left, is he an 85% idiot? Should right thinking blogs allow him to spend 15% of his time here gurgling out vapid pronouncements, when he spends 85% of his time bashing those on the right?

    2. Now! Now!. Wouldn't you agree , –– if you stopped to think ––, that it's better to let mental deficiency reveal itself than to denounce it with cruel, accusatory rhetoric?

  13. Pyotr FyukafatchikJuly 27, 2017 at 6:13 PM

    Sessions is good man. Trump strong man. Blaming Russia is not solution to America problem. Trump must do as Yeltsin and use Army for bombing flame attack on US Duma.

  14. I just took a glance at a television broadcast.


    Senator McCain looks terribly unwell! Much worse than he looked two days ago.

    1. Astonishing that he was able to make the trip from Arizona to Washington at all under the circumsances.

      We have to say one thing for McCain: He has a WILL of iron. However, he may not live long enough to return to his home state, except in a coffin.

      On the ther hand he may fool us all –– the way old Jimmeh Cawtuh did not so long ago, when '"everyone" thought he was dying of cancer.

      Ol' Jimmeh is still very much around. I'll let others decude whether that is a good thing or not.

      John McCain is a VERY strange guy. I don't pretend to undersnd him, I doubt if anyone does –– including himself. BUT he IS "The People's Choice" in Arizona and as such we must give him at least as much respect as we'd give any other duly elected government official.

      As for the GOP, I have completely given up on THEM. With the exception of the Freedom Caucus –– a small minority in the House of Representatives –– most of those guys don't have enough guts to say "BOO!" to a goose.

      I have to maintain that our congress creatures are in the thrall of a semi-secret CABAL ruthlessly promoting and implementing an Inernationalist Agenda forced on our elected representatives by moneyed interests too powerful to resist.

      Could you think of a MORE plausible explanation for the GOP's absurd, SUICIDAL performance? If so, I'd be happy to hear it.

    2. FT,
      We have a Uniparty -- with the except of the Tea Party Caucus.

      I'm sure you heard that Senator McCain cast the deciding vote early this morning.

      The GOP is self-destructing. As I've seen stated: "The GOP -- ever able to pull defeat from the jaws of victory."

    3. This is a pale replay of his old buddy Ted Kennedy returning after brain surgery. The parallels are there: Old revered senator, health care bill, brain surgery, rushing back to the senate from a hospital bed, impending death hangs like a pall, but no one mentions it openly...

      Unfortunately for McCain, his mission is not as urgent or noble as Kennedy's. The GOP is a muddled-up mess. The Democrats--regardless of what you think of Obamacare--were focused in like a laser on bringing healthcare to the masses.

      Also, since McCain is a Republican, he will not be canonized as Kennedy was immediately upon his death.

    4. SF,
      This is a pale replay of his old buddy Ted Kennedy returning after brain surgery. The parallels are there...


      I'm listening to MSNBC's Morning Joe (know thy enemy).

      Oh, the singing of the praises of McCain and Graham!

      They will continue to sing such praises as long as these individuals continue to further the Progressives' agenda.

    5. SF,
      The Democrats--regardless of what you think of Obamacare--were focused in like a laser on bringing healthcare to the masses.

      Health insurance, not healthcare per se, IMO.

      The healthcare for the masses doesn't really work for the masses -- if these newly insureds can't come up with the deductibles. Their property will be seized via medical bills -- even their cars. The seizing of their vehicles will make it nearly impossible for them to earn any income.

      Redistribute the wealth!

      And to hell with the medical providers, who already eat at least 1/3 of the medical costs right now. This will lead to a failed business model.

      Get ready for single payer. It's inevitable, particularly if ObamaCare goes belly up.

    6. @ AOW: "Health insurance, not healthcare per se, IMO."

      Of course. You know it to be my position. I agree completely with your statement.

      My comment went to the single-minded focus of Democrats, as opposed to the GOP scrambled-up zoo fire. I do believe most Democratic congresspeople were genuinely trying to help people, albeit in a soviet bureaucracy, market-killing way.

  15. Professor Victor SchenckJuly 28, 2017 at 7:53 AM

    In essence you are advocating rule by the minority AOW.

    America today should be four countries today. New England and New York, The Pacific Coast, Minnesota, Illinois, and Michigan, and finally all the rest, or something similar.

    Professor Victor Schenck

  16. FreeThinke,

    I agree with you. The roots of our troubles are existential, and because we are now off the path of Fundamental Principles (Gods of the Copybook), improvement cannot be made. You cannot build a house upon a rotten foundation.

    The GOOP is a Company of Cowards scrambling down a road lined with Democrat snipers.

    Their next trick, cutting taxes for the rich, will provide needed ammo to the Democrats in 2018.

    1. Company of Cowards


      I remember stumbling across this in my dad's record collection. Love the album cover art.

  17. The Duenna of Gehenna said

    I feel the strong pull from the internationalists who are cocksure in their belief that “democracy doesn’t work,” so what we need is One World Government where the brightest and best informed will be able to DICTATE to us “for our own good,” and to guarantee a “better more equitable future for “ALL People.”

    Frankly, I would lie, cheat, steal –– and even kill –– to prevent “them” from enslaving the entire world “for its own good.”

    I see “them” as SATANIC, and any attempt to compromise with “them” could lead only to PERDITION (i.e. Hell on Earth).

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. HEAR! HEAR! is HERE said

    FreeThinke said:

    The Establishment, –– now run almost entirely by committed Globalists ––, does NOT want President Trump's Agenda to succeed. PERIOD!

    That's IT! That's ALL that needs to be said. You NAILED, it, bro, but whatcha gonna DO aboudit? They hold all the cards now, don't they?

    1. The Establishment, –– now run almost entirely by committed Globalists ––, does NOT want President Trump's Agenda to succeed. PERIOD!


  20. Does a boogeyman reside in every closet? A definite maybe.

  21. Professor Victor SchenckJuly 28, 2017 at 5:02 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. As I already SAID earlier:

      We've heard more than enough of your smarmy, vacuous, hypocritical platitudes, "Professor."

      Now be off with you, and please DON'T return.

      You don't listen very well, do you?

  22. Color me neutral on Sessions. I'm willing to give him some time but I want to see known criminals from the previous administration frog marched and I don't care what the libtards think about it. They'll never be on board anwyay.

  23. "I want to see known criminals from the previous administration."

    Which criminals who are under FBI investigation from the prvious administration would those be?

    You seem to be terribly confused.

    Actually the FBI and a special counsel are investigating the present administration and the thugs who are running it.

    1. Kid's not confused at all. YOU are, you Rockhead.

      The previous administration was so riddled with corruption as to be rotten at the core, and the CLINTONS positively REEK of it.

      The FBI (Comey), the CIA (Brennan), the IRS (Lerner, Koskinen), The State Dept. (Hillary's Pay to Play for her own Personal Profit) and the DOJ (Holder and Lynch) are all so tainted with Socialist-Globalist anti-American Bias and Deep State Power Mania, not ONE of those agencies is trustworthy. Congress is every bit as bad ––maybe worse.

      President Trump is a veritable Knight in Shining Armor who was elected by a groundswell of passiin from the GRASSROOTS to SLAY the DRAGONS and SANITIZE the CESSPOOL that most regrettably is Our Nation's Capital today.

      YOU, Mr. Rockhead are not only CONFUSED you are abysmally STUPID. If not that, you have been badly MISEDUCATED, which is another word for a Victim of Marxist Indoctrination.

  24. Are any of you Trump supporters sane? Or do you think black people have no business complaining about police brutality because they are black and deserve all the brutality and unarmed shootings they get? You ignorant POSs aren't worth the piss that dogs will put on your graves.

    1. Like a mating peacock, looking to "crush puss".

    2. Anonymous, go easy on those folks, they know not what they do.

      They merely are misguided in their pursuit to justify Trump's agenda and actions. Pray for them that they may see.

    3. ...see, the globalist's hand in their pocket.

    4. ...see, the boogeyman in their closet.

  25. Democrats like to have it both ways. Their mindset is that they don't want to appear weak on National Security but at the same time, they love open borders. Just like Voting Rights and Voter Fraud. Democrats scream about fighting for voting rights and stopping voter oppression yet who is the first to start screaming the other way when there is talk about enhanced authentication for voters to be sure they are legal voters? Which side also engages more in registering dead people, people twice,etc.
    One only needs to read the Progressive blog to see the hypocrisy of the left.



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