Scheming Washingturdians at Work
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Bladdermouth McConnell and his jug-eared colleague in corruption |
Just Whom Do These Three
Turkeyturds Think They're Kidding?
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The Granddaddy double dealer of 'em all |
Mitch McConnell Defers Consideration of Senate Healthcare Bill Until Return of John McCain after Blood Clot Procedure
Washington Examiner
by Daniel Chaitin
The Senate will defer consideration of the GOP healthcare plan that would partially repeal and replace Obamacare until Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., returns to work following a procedure to remove a blood clot from above his left eye, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said in a statement late Saturday. After wishing him a "speedy recovery," McConnell, R-Ky., added: "While John is recovering, the Senate will continue our work on legislative items and nominations, and will defer consideration of the Better Care Act." About two hours earlier, McCain´s office revealed that he would be spending a week in his home state …
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_____________________ NOTICE _________________
ReplyDeleteWe don't permit Knaves, Fools, –– and especially not HYPOCRITES ––, to post at this blog.
Gertrude Kaminsky said
ReplyDeleteBladdermouth McConnell is afraid of the real conservatives and needs flannelmouth McPain to help him continue to obfuscate the issues.
Gertrude, you are a girl after my own heart!
Delete"Bladdermouth McConnell!" §;^D
Yes! If Bad Breath had a face, surely it would look just like Ol' Bladdermouth.
I LOVE it!
Darren McGuffin said
ReplyDeleteMcConnell never intended to get rid of Obamacare "root and branch". This Kabuki Theater is another production meant to distract from his real intention of doing nothing. Republicans were given an assignment seven years ago on which they should have been diligently working. Instead, they procrastinated because like a irresponsible middle school child, they did not want to do it. The date has arrived and the assignment is due. These children have nothing of value to turn in so they use McCain´s surgery to try and cover their for their complete lack of responsibility toward the American people. We´re not buying it. We know willful incompetence when we see it.
Samuel "Ippacack" Jones said
ReplyDeleteWhen they had the House they said they needed the Senate. When we gave them the Senate they said they needed the Presidency. Now they need a 2/3 majority. It´s all a lie, they never intended to do anything and never expected to have to.
Martina Chuzzlewittgenstein-Arroyo said
ReplyDeleteI would have thought that flying was not allowed if you were diagnosed with a blood clot, especially that close to the brain.
If this was not an emergency, then McConnell should not have postponed this vote. But then could it be that without McCain he doesn´t have enough votes?
Martina, I just LOVE your screen name! It's very very witty and bright.
DeleteJohn McLame IS a bloodclot! Damn him!
ReplyDeleteThe G.O.P., possessing a majority in both houses of Congress, are all that stand in the way of President Donald J. Trump's agenda, and that slimy scumbag McCain is the prime saboteur. He is a snake in the grass, a mountebank.
ReplyDeleteTrue, that Schumer character is an unctuous sneak and the most shameless peddler of deceit, but the Republicans, with two-faced devils like John McCain, are the most dangerous DC swamp creatures. Too stupid to create anything, all they know how to do is destroy.
I'll pray for Jersey, but I'd be a liar if I said I'd do the same for John McCain...
ReplyDeleteI understand your feelings, FJ, but John McCa8n needs our prayers more urgently even than Jersey.
DeleteIt is the worst sinners, –– the depraved, the deranged, the perverse and he malevolent ––, who are in the greatest need of God's help.
If that weren't true, they wouldn't act as they do.
As absurd as it may sound in this maelstrom of a world we must cling to the knowledge that in the end amor vincit amnia.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteSee what Obama started?
DeleteIf a half-term senator with no accomplishments other than writing two books about himself can do it, anybody can.
Oscar, we're not talking abut Obama right now. We'resupposed t be focusing in John McCain'soh-so-cinvenient need forman eye operation which has enable the Do-Nothing-GOP Majority (HA HA HA! BOO HOO HOO!) to CONTINUE kicking the can down the road on any and all meaningful forms of legislation.
DeleteWhy dwell on the past, when our most significant detriment to true progress is the GOPeePee?
So the Don's son, Don, Jr., met with a foreign agent, a Russian during the campaign to possibly get opposition dirt on Hillary. The Trumpistas are denying any wrong-doing, but everyone who has ever worked on a political campaign has unequivocally stated that if a foreigner approaches a presidential campaign offering oppo infor, YOU CALL THE FBI! This Trump Regime stinks to the sky!
ReplyDelete_________ MEME-EE! _______
DeleteYour left shoe's on your right foot,
Your right shoe's on your left.
Oh! listen to me,, Meme-e:
Of reason you're bereft!
The buttons of your trousers
Are buttoned to your vest;
Oh! listen to me, Meme-ee,
No passion's in your breast!
Meme-ee, you irksome little good for nothing Meme-ee,
I'm not your guy.
Meme-ee, you crummy little dummy of a Meme-ee,
You've aimed too high!
Meme-ee, you drive me mad, please free me,
If you flee me, 'twould be dreamy.
Meme-ee, you know I'd like to have me see
You pesky Son of a Meme-ee say, Goodbye!
...... Morris Knight
More News on The McCain Crisis:
ReplyDeleteMcCain’s Surgery May Be More Serious Than Thought, Experts Say
JULY 16, 2017
Senator John McCain of Arizona last week on Capitol Hill. He had surgery on Friday to remove a blood clot. Credit Jacquelyn Martin/Associated Press
The condition for which Senator John McCain had surgery on Friday may be more serious than initial descriptions have implied, and it may delay his return to Washington by at least a week or two, medical experts said on Sunday.
The Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, has already announced that votes on a bill to dismantle the Affordable Care Act will not begin until Mr. McCain’s return. A statement released by Mr. McCain’s office on Saturday had suggested that he would be in Arizona recovering for just this week, but neurosurgeons interviewed said the typical recovery period could be longer. ...
[The rest of the article, whould you want to bother reading it ,may be found today at DRUDGE.]
Doesn't this strike you as just a wee bit too convemient for the GOP's ncreasingly obvious STYMIE TRUMP at ALL COSTS agenda?
The questions we need to discuss in hope of finding answers are
1. WHY is the GOP so determined to COMMIT SUICIDE?
2. Is the GOP really the GOP anymore, or has it become the DEMOCRATS' SECRET WEAPON?
3. WHO or WHAT is REALLY governing our country?
The whole damned GOP is suffering brain clots. This is all a smokescreen for their fumbling ignorance and inability to do anything other than talk shit and belch out empty campaign promises.
DeleteSadliest of all, the only thing worse that the repooplicans running congress is the DementedCraps running it. Nancy Pelosi is obviously suffering the advances stages of geriatric dementia.
Yes, "Oscar," but I believe the problem goes MUCH deeper than the traditional Left-RIght paradigm, or the Vain Show of petty party politics.
DeleteObviously there's a Hidden Agenda being played out right under out noses. It becomes less hidden and more overt each passing day, yet most remain deaf, dumb and blind to their being taken for perilous ride by their "elected representatives" who have obviously decided that REPRESENTING the best interests of the American Public is the LAST thing they would even dream of doing.
The question is WHY?
1) It does not deserve to live.
ReplyDelete2) it is most assuredly no longer the party of Lincoln.
3) Right now, anybody's guess is as good as the next.
America is in crisis. Yet division remains the game plan.
Professor Victor Schenck
Carrol Lewis Lutwidge-Dodgson said
DeleteGot any brght ideas as to who may be running the game? Might as well be The Mad Hatter and the Cheshire Cat from where I sit.
Surely those two could do no worse.
ReplyDeleteYou seem to be implying that the GOP Senate doesn't want to pass this bill, that they are crypto-Democrat Statists, and they are engaging in deception to avoid an honest vote... and I'd say as usual, you instincts are probably right.
I said this at AOW's in a non-political post, and I shall repeat it here, with your indulgence:
Watching the GOOP liars and chiselers squirm and flail, I can't help but be amused at witnessing slimy reptilian politicians impaled upon their own talking points.
The GOOP politicians are immolating themselves on a pyre of their worthless campaign slogans and broken promises.
Like witnessing a gang of firebugs trapped in a burning building they set fire to, its hard to suppress the urge to chortle.
It's hard to accept, but the fact remains that "Our Side" is NOT in our side –– PERIOD! It's the only possible cincksiin to draw from the "performance" –– or lack thereof –– put in by the so-called "Republican Majority."
DeleteDonald Trump represents REFORM and CHANGE. Apparently, that's the very last thing the Washingturd Cartel desires.
I wish I could see humor in the situation, but Alas! I cannot.
The now-four Republicans senators who refuse to support the "new" Shuck and Jive Healthcare Bill, are HEROIC in my opinion. Those members of the GOP who refuse to "go along to get along" are our ONLY hope.
What would be the point of "passing" legislation which would only be the moral equivalent of passing gas?
Obamacare repeal is Dead
ReplyDeleteTeatardlicans really know how to govern, don't they?
Do you know how to do anything besides call people you don't know, and could never hope to understand silly names?
DeleteHey FreeThinke! Why you no posta new comments, eh?
ReplyDeleteWe're waiting, Luigi, still hoping to attract a quorum of intelligent, thoughtful replies full of contstructive, encouraging suggestions.
DeleteHell, of course, is more apt to freeze over, so please don't hold your breath.
Now that the latest attempt to sell TrumpUniversityCare has failed, it's fair to deduce that the reason repealing ObamaCare is so difficult is because ObamaCare has been so successful.
ReplyDeleteSlice it, dice it, and serve it up with fries but that just sums it up. Period!
Ronald Wart is an idiot. Any government program can be declared "successful" if you throw enough taxpayer money at it.
DeleteI guess it all depends on your point of view. Naturally the Have-Nots will slavishly endorse any "Robin Hood" initiative that appears to promise them Something for Nothing –– especially it it appears detrimental to the "Evil Rich."
Ronald J. Ward is a flaming, festering pustule on the ass of humanity. He possesses no knowledge or understanding of that which he speaks. He is a propaganda-fed ignoramus who has no idea how economic systems work and who has not a care about government waste and state-sponsored theft.
DeleteRonald J. Ward is one of the tens of millions of brain dead dullards marching in legions for socialism in America.
Horse's ass Ronald J. Ward and his ilk are hive drones. America's freedoms are wasted on that bovine herd. We must deport them immediately to wonderful communist paradises like Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea.
The hypocrisy in your howling rant somewhat defeats your very own request of constructive argument.
DeleteWhile I'll not predudicly accuse you, as you do me, of being a blind political hack and marching firmly to some partisan agenda (something you don't know or could not know as I've never made such claims publicly or in writing) but your unhinged gibberish and frothing unfounded claims sound oh so familiar.
In the meantime, the reason repealing ACA is so difficult is because it has been so successful or, considered far more successful than the secritve scam presented to us by today's so-called conservatives to be signed by a serial lying, racist, self proclaimed sexually assaulting, egomaniac con man in the White House (regardless of what party the disgusting son of a bitch belongs to).
Repealing the ACA is so difficult, Ronald, because it was codified into LAW –– without permitting any debate as to its merits by the opposition –– and, without permitting any amendments. This ill-conceived, poorly-crafted legislation was forced through congress by a majority party so ignoble and so drunk on power they didn't even bother to READ the BILL befire they railroaded it through congress in the dead of night on CHRISTMAS EVE.
DeleteThis, of course, is the party that most easily gets votes by deceiving gullible Have-Nots into believing they are voting for a perfect amalgam of both SANTA CLAUS and ROBIN HOOD.
Unfortunately the growing numbers who want to believe in this bilge are basically INFANTILE, and so once they believe something has been GIVEN to them, they scream with indignation and bang on their metaphorical high chairs like the babies they are when some "bad men" tr to take their "legislative candy" away.
The spineless wimps in the GOP are so deathly afraid of being accused ot "taking candy away from a poor, innocent little baby," they ACQUIESCE to the despicable legislation, because they don't want to be seen as a bunch of OGRES.
And THAT is preciesly HOW and WHY things are the way they are.
When people have been conditioned to become so childish, dependent ad irresponsible as to expect their government to act as both ROBIN HOOD and SANTA CLAUS, a FAILED STATE looms large on the horizon.
FreeThinke, your anaylisis of how ACA was legislated is far from consistent with facts. Those debunked Sean Hannity memes have come to surface lately in many discussions due to this ramming through of the secretive TrumpCare scam (not that we didn't already know this).
DeleteFor starters, Obama and Dems won by campaigning on health care reform. ACA was debated for almost 2 years in open while TrumpCare saw at best a few days in a closet room with Dems and the public banner. ACA saw 100s of hours of debate while TrumpCare saw zero. ACA saw over 100 committee hearings while TrumpCare again, saw 0. ACA saw 171 admendments, mainly from Republicans, while TC got zip. Dems weren't even invited to see what was being discussed (nor was the public). The AMA and most every single medical group hated it. Not a single governor wanted it. And keep in mind, this move reflects on just under 20% of the economy.
And the more that we learned from this scam, the more we found out how destructive and dishonest it was. After lie after lie from Trump and Pence, it would destroy medicaid, it would throw multi-millions out of the healthcare system, premiums would go up considerably for many, pre-existing conditions would again be a factor, and it would be a huge tax break for the most wealthy.
Yet despite all of this, had just a few more we're strongarmed into it, Trump would have already signed it. He was ready to break his most sacred campaign promises and then just lie about how he kept them
Now I can understand how you might agree with much of TrumpCare (not that I agree with you by any stretch but I understand that arguement) but the premise of your argument seems to not be on the content of the bill but rather how it was so horribly legislated by Dems (which is blatantly false) and that for some reason Rs deserve a pass on their legislative tactics.
Its hard to phantom your rationale.
_________ MEME-EE! _______
DeleteYour left shoe's on your right foot,
Your right shoe's on your left.
Oh! listen to me,, Meme-e:
Of reason you're bereft!
The buttons of your trousers
Are buttoned to your vest;
Oh! listen to me, Meme-ee,
No passion's in your breast!
Meme-ee, you irksome little good for nothing Meme-ee,
I'm not your guy.
Meme-ee, you crummy little dummy of a Meme-ee,
You've aimed too high!
Meme-ee, you drive me mad, please free me,
If you flee me, 'twould be dreamy.
Meme-ee, you know I'd like to have me see
You pesky Son of a Meme-ee say, Goodbye!
~ Morris Ritter
The GEE OH PEE runs everything, including most of the states. It's a good thing they are too stupid or too cowardly to bust a major move.
ReplyDeleteThey could, like file lawsuits from the states to the federal government on all kinds of issues, and then then Trumpotang's regime could simply refuse to defend the federal government.
They could totally change the nation's political landscape: Unemployment, health care, federal regulations. There is no end to what they could do if they only had the brains and balls of the Democrats.
FreeThinke is onto it. The GOP talks all kind of crap about free markets, low taxes, small government, cutting taxes and family values, but they are fat hypocritical pigs.
El Trumpo keeps blaming Democrats LOL Ha Ha Ha, every time the Gee Oh Pee (who controlls all of congress) craps their pants. LOL! The GEE OH PEE controls EVERYTHING, but they can get NOTHING Done!
Oh wait! They did preserve Obamacare, endorse President Obama's Iran deal, continue to bring in refugees, and expand the H1B and H2B Visa programs. Homeland Sec Kelly just announced we are bringing in 15,000 more workers under the H2B Visa program. MAGA!
When the poor working class people realize how badly Don the Dick and his band of Gee Oh Pee sodomites anally raped them, they are going to be righteously pissed.
Can you say "Senate Majority Leader Schumer?" Can you say "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi?" Can you say "President Kamala Harris?"
I can't wait for 2018! I can't wait for 2020! Tee hee hee!!!
Well, FreeThinke old friend, we expected this, didn't we?
ReplyDeleteThe Swamp is draining El Donaldo.
If the Democrats could get their vulgar, loony left fringers to tamp down their violent, mouth-foaming rants, they could make some big gains in the mid-terms.
I don't see the GOOP getting much done besides perhaps tax cuts for the rich.
If the GOP can't leverage this historic opportunity to move President Trump's agenda, they're toast, including One-Term Donald.
The mountain West is increasingly demographically dominated by a handful of teeming urban centers.
It's a shame, really. Conservatism, as eloquently enunciated by Russell Kirk, is a beautiful philosophy grounded in brute reality and a wise weather eye on unchangeable human nature.
Too bad nobody in the GOOP has even a passing familiarity with it. Too bad nobody in the GOOP knows how to advance conservatism by putting it into practice and allowing its flowering successes to sell itself.
My only consolation will be sitting back as an old man and laughing as I watch the millennials and their progressive fellow travelers--who have been screaming for socialism--get it good and hard. Someobody's going to have to work and pay all those taxes.
Success is counted sweetest
DeleteBy those who ne'er succeed.
To comprehend a nectar
Requires sorest need.
Not one of all the purple host
'Who took the flag today
Can tell the definition
So clear of victory
As he –– defeated –– dying ––
On who forbidden ear ––
The distant strains of Triumph break ––
Agonized and clear.
~ Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)
It certainly is more likely that the figurative hell will freeze over before highly partisan conservatives and highly partisan liberals will ever come to the bipartisan table to resolve the nation's issues
ReplyDeleteThis is unfortunate. Unless the possibility of compromise is always on the table for intelligent reasonable folks to consider and take action on the winner take all mindset wins. And, America loses.
America will be Great Again When highly stubborn folks on both sides of the political spectrum get their heads out of their arses.
Good evening Mr. FreeThinke,
Professor Victor Schenck
Any attempt to compromise with the Devil is detrimental to the advancement of Civilization, and inevitably results in losses –– often severe abd irremediable.
DeleteIt is far better to avoid doing anything at all than to support –– zealously, impetuously or thoughtlessly –– a stupid or morally wrong policy.
I understand your premise Mr. FreeThinke. If one accepts that it is the Devil that is responsible for evil one cannot argue. For those who question both the existence of the Devil and God there are many arguments.
DeleteSuffice it to say the existence of the Devil and God can neither be proven or disproven. They may or they may not exist.
I respect your faith, which is what ALL religion is based on. I just don't find neccessary to accept things on faith only. That Mr. FreeThinke does not make a person evil.
Thank you for your thoughtful response.
Professor Victor Schenck
It's very simple, professor. Only a LAWYER or exponents of Jesuitical Logic or Jewish Talmudic Scholarship and other devotees of endless argumentation would think otherwise.
DeleteGod = Good
Satan = Evil
I doubt any decent, clear-thinking person would dispute the existence of both Good and Evil in the world, so where's the argument? ;-)
FreeThinke, I wonder what's next, now that Senator McCain's been diagnosed with a very aggressive form of cancer. 0bamacare's been a huge disaster with plenty of political schrapnel taking lives out with it. The McConnell-Ryan-Pelosi-Schumer political turd beast will continue to raise a huge stink until President Trump swings a political hatchet to strike them down.
ReplyDeleteThe only decent thing we could do right now it pray that God's will prevails.
DeleteWe don't seem to do too well when we fail to acknowledge His Presence and try to take His place, do we?
I mean McCain no harm but maybe now he will retire. You have to question his mental health when he allowed the RNC to select his running mate who was truly a joke.
ReplyDeleteDJT let his honesty get in his way today with his comments about Sessions. Did you ever think you would see a politician speak the truth. BHO was a racist who hated whites and the middle class but only his actions spoke never his voice. There are a lot of things DJT does to create a rough road but I have to admire his honesty. If we had an impartial media he may be perceived in a more positive light.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteWe don't permit anyone to post canned talking points and "memes" crafted in a spirit of dissension that add only to the clamor and din of artificially-induced divisin and strife by the ENEMEDIA, Professor.
DeleteWe could sit here all day every day accusng each other of being "idiots," calling each other names, and accusing each other of supporting liars, knaves and fools, which is what blogging, apparently, has reduced itself to, and we would do not ne particle of good, but rather its opposite.
Therefore, repetition of denigratory, politically-motivated "memes" is forbidden at this blog.
Skud, with all due respect to you as a calm, steadfast, sincere conservative voice in the jungles of Blogistan, I have to differ with you –- at least to a degree –– about Sarah Palin.
DeleteSarah Palin was clearly the VICTIM of an all-out ASSAULT –– a relentless campaign of mockery, derision and outright defamation –– by the ENEMEDIA with seconds after she won the nomination.
The ENEMEDIA during its all-too-successful campaign to UNSEAT and DESTROY the presidency of Richard Nixon became too big for its breeches.
I believe "Waterfgate" saw the birth of something new and spectacularly hideous in American politics –– The Journalistic Coup d'Etat.
Since then the ENEMEDIA has grown increasingly arrogant and obnoxiously aggressive in asserting the incredible power it has accrued unto itself.
So saturated have we become with enemedia-generated PROPAGANDA most of us no longer can discern the difference between fact and fabrication, decency and corruption, right and wrong, or good and evil.
BECAUSE we are SATURATED with ENEMEDIA PROPAGANDA from virtually EVERY source of so-called "News and Information," we have become PAWNS to be moved at will wherever the Moguls of the Enemedia want us to go.
That most of us tend to DOUBT this is clear PROOF that it has in fact happened.
We are in truth governed by the Fourth Estate, which has become FAR more powerful than the Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches of government COMBINED.
I perceived this regrettable phenomenon as far back as the Negro Riots in upper New York State, Watts in Californa, and the insurgency of Campus Radicals –– i.e. the mid-SICK-sties.
All of which combines to say that your opinion of Sarah Palin has little or nothing to do with that lady, herself. You –– like everyone else in the country –– have come to believe exactly what the ENEMEDIA has intended for you to believe all along. You have accepted the vicious, grotesque CARICATURE of Sarah Palin the ENEMEDIA has artfully crafted since the day she first rose to prominence. Had she been a DEMOCRAT the impression you received of her would have been entirely different.
I hasten to add that I have never been one of Palin's fans, and I certainly don't mean t singly you out for harsh criticism. MY focus is on the dispiriting, degenerative, frankly DISGRACEFUL effect the ENEMEDIA contnues to have on Public Consciousness.
ReplyDeleteNot a fan of hers because she had no clue what was going on in the world. She was a terrible choice and didn't do McCain any good.
What would our country be like if we had an impartial media. Would BHO be able to get away with class warfare and being a racist, no. Would -H- and her adulterer be able to steal millions and sell the US to the highest bidder, no. Would jimmy carter be mentioned as president, no.
The last time the media said anything positive about a republican was RR because he was a master of public opinion and worked the press.
When was the last time any of the MSM mentioned any of the accomplishments of DJT.
The ENEMIDA was fine with the reporter who embarrassed DJT and they were fine with carters son giving the video against Mitt but for Jr, to meet about dirt on -H- is treasonous. Seem like they don't know what constitutes treason.
Thanks for amplifying the points I try to make about the significance of the ENEMEDIA, Skud. We basically agree on that.
DeleteHad it been up to me I would not have chosen Sarah Palin, BUT as shrill and unsophistiated as she appeared first crack out of the box, she DID seem to be a much-needed "breath of fresh air," until the ENEMEDIA began to rake her over the coals –– as they do now with EVERY GOP candidate and anyone closely associated with GOP associates.
Our Bill of Rights permits –– and even ENCOURAGES –– skulduggery of this kind. Sadly, as a people, we appear to have lost our "moral compass" and THAT is why we have become such easy prey for treacherous manipulative schemes that border on sedition, if not outright treason.
In order for a government such as outs ro work properly, the PEOPLE must be moral, decent, sober, principled, God-fearing, respectful of one another, and well-informed.
In no way does that accurately describe who and what We the People –– as a collective entity –– are today.
If I am to be honest, which is the only way to be, I find the use of the word ENEMEDIA to describe the MSM just a bit offensive. But that is just me, certainly on this fine weblog.
ReplyDeleteThe mainststeam media and press does have a liberal bias, something I think is unfortunate because news should be "just the facts ma'am, just the facts". Intelligent and informed folks can then draw their own conclusions from the facts.
It is equally unfortunate that there are "news" media that travel in conspiracy theory. Whether the be liberal or conservative fringe "news" outlets makes no difference, they influence the ill or uninformed.
The above conditions do indeed do a disservice to our country.
As for Sarah Palin I agree with skudrunner. She nay have been a competent effective governor for the state of Alaska but she was not prepared for national politics and the complexities of international affairs. That has been my option since 2008.
Professor Victor Schenck
"The ENEMEDIA" is a term I coined, myself, more than forty-five years ago. I am very happy to see that at long last it is coming into more common usage.
DeleteENEMEDIA now appears frequently aming the cimments at other conservative websites. I never get credit for it, of course, and frankly don't care if I ever do. It's always a joy to see a creative, truthful, trenchant neologism enter the vocabulary of thst select group of thinking people who seem in closer touch with Reality than most.
Rush has dubbed their scurrilous profession "URINALISM," –– a clever coinage he's used on radio in the past, but not much lately. [I suppose he must have been told to drop it, because dear old Mrs. Grundy made a complaint.]
At any rate I find URINALISM to be witty and very much to the point, but I prefer ENEMEDIA, if only because it is more elegant, less vulgar, more erudite sounding, and much closer to the heart of what ails this nation's public discourse.
A properly well-informed public would not tolerate the travesty the corrupt "Infotainment" Industry has made of our national politics.
On a happier note. Madam Pelosi said this has been the worst six months of her life. See there is a rainbow after all.