Thursday, July 14, 2016


on November 8, 2016,
 or DOROTHY and her LITTLE DOG, 
will be cut to ribands, and fed 
to my Flying Monkeys.



By the pricking of my thumbs
Something EVIL this way comes.


  1. HRC is evil personified.

    If she's elected, I may have to impose my own news embargo. I can stand only so much stress!

    1. Unfortunately, AOW, we are "blest" to live in "interesting times."

      When you are fed nothing but a steady diet of red hot chili peppers washed down with vinegar, isn't it natural to long for a big drink of cool water, a nice bowl of oatmeal or cream-of -farina followed by a great big dish of vanilla ice cream? ;-)

  2. The Oracle On The MountJuly 14, 2016 at 7:06 AM

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    1. Comments MUST relate to the topic of the post, or they will be subject to DELETION on CONTACT.

      In addition We DO NOT ACCEPT Insults, taunts, accusations, catcalls, chastisement or DEROGATORY PERSONAL REMARKS. PERIOD!

  4. I read Trump has said he wants Trey Gowdy for His Attorney General I like that pick. That way he'd be certain to fry Hillary's Fat Ass.

    1. I'd much prefer Rudy Giuliani, myself. He has a much stronger voice, a stronger intellect, a more dynamic personality, and a long record of proven accomplishment. A seasoned veteran in the world of politics, he also has a sense of humor –– a valuable asset rarely-if-ever seen in politics today.

      Trey Gowdy's heart may be in the right place, but he appears to be rather dull-witted, and frankly he sounds like a HICK. Haven't we had enough of that with Bill Clinton AND George W. Bush?

      Also his failure to penetrate Hillary's beetle-shelled defense of her indefensible actions –– or LACK thereof –– regarding Benghazi does little to generate confidence that he would be an effective AG.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. I look at Hillary Clinton and at the corruption of her time in the public to the Constitution, or Americans.

    1. Your low opinion of Her Heinous surprises me. I see I may have misjudged you. If so, please accept my apology. We certainly got off on the wrong foot.

      It would be agreeable to me, if we could get past that, and develop a more amiable, adult relationship.

      I hope you feel similarly.

    2. Sorry, folks, those two "Gert" posts were fakes. I should have known, because he and I have never gotten along elsewhere. It was naive of me to think that, perhaps, he wanted to make amends.

      There's much mischief and even more dirty work afoot in the blogosphere. You'd think I'd be used it after seventeen years of participation at interactive websites, but the amount of childishness and sheer malice still never ceases to amaze –– and confound –– me.

  6. HRC may be bipolar: contrast her screeching voice with her well-modulated voice.

    1. I don't know about that, but I am POSITIVE that whatever is driving her manic desire to achieve the presidency it is NOT because she loves humanity and wants only to help women children, the poor, the ill and the "disenfranchised."

      I try to listen to her, hard as that is, an all I have EVER heard from her "on the stump" is an endless string of platitudes, hoary political clichés, and vacuous, unfulfillable promises.

  7. Another ANTI ProgressiveJuly 14, 2016 at 7:33 AM

    Ah yes, another "Unwashed" Leftist whi is are more predominantly becoming indistinguishable from Muslim terrorists, advocating the wholesale slaughter of persons with which they disagree with... so much for the Freedom of Speech..
    Theever ever loving tolerance of Leftists and Islam, embracing peace, understanding, the true diversity of thought and speech on as many levels as possible.. Here we have professor James Pearce, from Ohio’s Southern State Community College. He’d like to kill you. And He’s NOT kidding. He wants to kill you if you have a gun even a LEGAL Gun .. Really.
    Well, let us NOT forget that Attorney General Loretta Lynch encouraged protesters not to allow the “heinous violence” that occurred in Dallas to silence their “important” voices

  8. A foul odor drifted through my car window early yesterday morning. At first I thought it was just the toxic exhaust from diesel trucks burning up the highway out of the city on their way to deliver cheap goods to the stores in Boston of America, but another whiff and I knew it was something far more noxious. But as I listened to the radio I realized just what it was, It was the smell of the Socialist hypocrite Bernie Sanders as he formally endorsed Hillary Clinton for president.

    1. Bernie's not a "hypocrite," Anita, he a POLITICIAN. If one of them EVER played fair and square and told the truth, I'd probably drop dead of shock.

      CORRUPTION wedded to abject STUPIDITY is the NEW NORM.

      I guess we'd better get used to it. (SIGH!)

    2. Sorry FT, but he IS a Hypocrite, what else would you call someone who spent. A year blasting Hillary and then endorses her?
      Yes that's typical of most politics a, but Hypocritical as well.

    3. All I meant was that politicians for the most part are Career Hypocrites.

      Sorry my attempt at tongue-in-cheek humor didn't work for you.

    4. It did, just wanted to throw in my 2 cents.,

  9. Yesterday the Parents with a sick baby were blocked on their way to a hospital because Black Lives Matter protesters shut down traffic on a bridge..These BLM people need to come up with another approach to being heard. Blocking major highways is mindless and a real safety / health issue. This kind of mindless behavior needs to stop!!

    1. Maxine Jolly-ManginaJuly 14, 2016 at 11:21 AM

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  10. Phyllis Angers-Rackley, PhDJuly 14, 2016 at 11:19 AM

    Misogynistic troglodytes such as yourself, grunting and straining mightily against progress, cannot stand the thought of an authoritative, highly-qualified woman in the White House. Moreover, swinging your man parts around in order to clumsily assert your shriveled patriarchal claims is cringe-inducing and indicative of revanchist thinking that is deleterious to societal advancement.

    1. The local news affiliate in Memphis reported on the story which features the heroic efforts of a paramedic who managed, after nearly 30 minutes of delay, to get the child the care they needed:

      The Memphis Black Lives Matter rally shut down the I-40 bridge Sunday night with hundreds of protesters refusing to leave. Traffic could not go across, but paramedic Bobby Harrell with Crittenden EMS was determined to get to a child who was stuck on the bridge with his family.

      “We received a call there was a child needing medical attention stuck in traffic up on the bridge and due to the protest going on the bridge the family was not able to get through traffic to get him to Le Bonheur,” Harrell said.

    2. Phyllis, I regard you as the moral equivalent of a third-rate Standup Comic or a Burlesque Queen run amok. You sound like a grotesque caricature of a refugee from The Blog That Shall Remain Nameless.

      If I didn't believe you just HAD to be putting us on, I'd ERADICATE your twaddle. But I'm keeping it for its entertainment value.

      Just don't make a habit of posting here too often. It's very easy to get too much of a bad thing.

      Thank you.

    3. Phyllis Angers-Rackley, PhDJuly 14, 2016 at 1:47 PM

      You belong in a cave. Perhaps President Hillary Clinton will banish you taliban baboon types to the caves up in the hills where you belong, on this time there will not be any women for you beasts to drag around by their hair.

    4. Oh we'd never do anything like that, Phyllis. We just knock 'em to the ground, and drag them around by their feet, if they don't behave themselves. Barefoot, pregnant, QUIET, RESPECTFUL, and OBEDIENT is how we like our women.

      Do you know you sound just like Ema Nymton? You two must be sisters, right? Oh what a time your poor parents must have had raising a pair of hellions like you!

  11. So Ruthie Ginsburg ignorantly, without thinking, like most Liberals , and exposed her bias regarding Donald Trump to the world.
    Got called on it, and now is backing down with her tail between her legs..
    It is pointed out correctly that if Trump wins the Presidency EVERY case that she will have to RECUSE herself from every single case that even remotely involves him. (She actually WON'T, but she ethically should)

    She finally thought about the repercussions of her actions....and so she tries to make amends by declaring 'she regrets what she said. Well my Dear Ms Dimwit

    Like any liberal in her situation, what she really means, by not actually apologizing, is declaring she is sorry she did something STUPID and was called out on it. (She and Hillary could be twins, two stinko's in a pod)

    EVEN is she COULD 'take her words back she can not take back the fact that she revealed her existing bias regarding Trump and that if Trump wins she should STILL recuse herself from any and all cases that even remotely have to do with him because of that bias.
    If she tries to convince anyone NOW that she is completely capable of being unbiased and hearing any case that's BS because she just PROVED she CAN'T be unbiased.

    1. I don't disagree, Anita, but I'd prefer you to express yourself more graciously with less mockery and heavy sarcasm laced with name-calling. We get far too much of that from LEFTISTS.

      I don't think "our side," if there is such a thing, does itself much good if we stoop to their abysmal level.

      Justice Bader-Ginsburg, who is now jn her mid-eighties, is an Old Guard Communist to be sure –– a true Red Diaper Baby from New York City's rabidly left-leaning Jewish community –– but we must remember she was also a great friend of the late Antonin Scalia.

      If two such polar opposites as they could disagree as deeply as they did on judicial philosophy, and still maintain a warm friendship on a personal level, I think we would do well to take a page or two from their book, and learn to look for common ground and do our best to regard each other with a modicum of civility and a great deal more tolerance and acceptance.

      This does not mean we ought to stop working hard to achieve the goals we believe in, neither should we feel obliged to CAPITULATE to our opponents, but as fellow human beings we owe each other more RESPECT than most are willing to show today.

    2. Sorry FT, but that's my style, especially when I'm blowing off the Butcher of Bengazhi.

    3. I understand, Anita, but even though I agree with most of what you say, I don't think the way you say it it enhances your credibility with "outsiders."

      I don't mean to scold you. Believe it or not I'm trying to help you be more effective in spreading your message.

      I belong to the Old School, and I was a teacher for much of my life. I can't seem to get over it. ;-)

  12. I enjoy the brief sliver of Infotainment-Media Complex unintentional honesty when they refer to the myriad Hillary investigations as "Witch Hunts."



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