Thursday, July 21, 2016

On the Light Side of Darkness

”Those who refuse 
to LISTEN have 

Salaman Grundy


  1. Hot off the Press.July 21, 2016 at 7:24 AM

    This Just In: Late and Breaking:

    Reliable intelligence sources in the West have indicated that warnings had been received that the Russian Government could in the near future release the text of email messages intercepted from U.S. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail server from the time she was U.S. Secretary of State. The release would, the messaging indicated, prove that Secretary Clinton had, in fact, laid open U.S. secrets to foreign interception by putting highly-classified Government reports onto a private server in violation of U.S. law, and that, as suspected, the server had been targeted and hacked by foreign intelligence services.

  2. Jim Dandy and the CrewJuly 21, 2016 at 7:24 AM

    All very funny! Good chuckles first thing over my morning coffee. Thanks.

    Last evening was funny too. Principled Ted Cruz gave Trump the cold shoulder and no endorsement.

  3. Last night showed that the only person that was hurt by Ted Cruz iess Ted Cruz...Ted Cruz thinks he's Ronald Reagan. The problem is he's not anything like Ronald Reagan in any way shape or form.
    Maybe he should study up on what Ronald Reagan said about party unity!

  4. A word abou plagiarism.
    I think that the democrat media and the Progressive machine is doing all it can to divert focus away from Hillary Clintons scandals, her lies, her criminal activiity, and possibly illegal activity. And if they they spent as much time investigating why the candidates husband met with the Attorney Genersl on her airplane two days before the FBI director said not guilty, These are the have far more important things to investigate lthrn a sentence or two that may or may not have been copied spoken by a speech writer and spoken by someone where English is not her first language and depended on the speech writer to do the proper thing.

    1. Deflect attention the Kackling Krook's "issues?" Sure, but the behavior from the left is equally designed to toss mud all over Mr.Trump and by implication his campaign.

      This whole series of nasty, mean-spirited, essentially-bogus little "Adventures in Defamation" has been carefully planned and orchestrated by leftist operatives. You may be sure of that.

  5. TR was smart. The bearded man in the cowboy hate is witty. Hillary Clinton is an ass, and her husband is a creep. They deserve each other, but we do not deserve them. They've got their money. What else do they think they need? Why don't they just go away and leave us alone? Ronald McDonald's point is well made.

    See, I listened. I hope that means you will let my comment stay?

    1. Thanks for a straightforward report on what you got from our graphics, Trevor.

      Of course you may stay.

  6. Ted Cruz is a squeaky-voiced ass pimple with a dangerous messiah complex. This was his play for 2020. Rodents like him say they are the "real conservarives" but he and his gay lover Bill Kristol have hard little peckers at the thought of President Hellary.

    They are twisted, self-righteous and self-serving. I hope Ted Cruz falls in a deep hole, and drags down Kristol and the other Purity Uber Alles toadstools with him. May they all rot in hell!

  7. There's humor in the ugly puss of "The Bull Moose" of conservatism who helped birth the Presidency of Woodrow Wilson?

    I doubt the world has laughed much since there wasn't much funny about the world the old Woody bequeathed the tortured masses. We're still dealing with that treachery today in its final stages.

  8. What kind of governor doesn't attend his own parties convention, hosted in his state? He's a small little Putz. After he's done being governor, he should just fade away. We don't need trivial, little, men like him in the Republican party

    1. Governor Katich has had a long, wholly honorable career met of it spent in Washington, D.C. as a high effective Republican member of congress. He's done an excellent job as governor of Ohio. I can't say I blame him for feeling miffed at the humiliating way his campaign turned out, BUT I have to agree his subsequent spoilsport behavior has done little to bolster his credence in these latter days of his tenure as a public figure.

      Too bad!

    2. No. Unlike most people he's just unusually truthful and fair minded.'

      Jarvis Balder

  9. Lost in all the BS of this so called "speech Lifting" was how The First Lady's words got into the speech. It's no secret that part of the speech-writing process is the speaker going out and finding good speeches that she wants her speech to sound like. Melania liked Michelle Obama's 2008 speech and wanted to make one like it. She admired the First Lady's words. The speechwriter said she ended up accidentally pasting the actual quotes Melania gave her. Occam's Razor says that's probably what happened.

    Melania's open admission that she admired Ms. Obama's words was a rare breath of candor and charity in a very ugly and hateful political environment led and continued by the hateful righteous Progressives.

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  11. What's the point? Each picture is funny ha ha but how do they relate?

  12. I had hoped to elicit responses that showed some wit and imagination in drawing inferences. My spoon-feeding an explanation of what I think everything posted is supposed to mean leaves all of you out. It also puts an undue burden on me.

    If I merely wanted to talk to myself, I could do it more easily by not bothering to use the computer.

  13. Angry Old White LadyJuly 21, 2016 at 6:47 PM

    The horse's ass aka Fonsld Trump who for the past 17 months has done everything his demented mind could imagine to divide this country is now pivoting to the "National Healer Hero" mode, because no one will notice that he's alienated every demographic group in America so that the only people he's one with are angry old white men.

    1. Shut up, you old wet hen. Just because your husband left you to live with a man is no reason for you to take it out on us. Get out of here, go home and scrub the floors. If you were a better housekeeper maybe he wouldn't have left you.

      Jarvis Balder

  14. Jim Dandy and the CrewJuly 21, 2016 at 9:55 PM

    What you point out, it may be so. But, do you really think it is going to get even 1 Trumpian here to change their support for the Ringmaster.



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