A Vision of Things to Come
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R. I. P. Western Civilization |
Because of Tuesday’s tragic election results it’s very likely that sooner than you can imagine The Government will take over the role of the old-fashioned Company Store. We will all be issued government housing "according to our needs" –– as defined by the government, of course. Likewise, a monthly allotment of food coupons redeemable at government warehouse stores similar in aesthetic appeal to the Spartan atmosphere of Sam's Club, but nowhere near as well stocked.
We will no longer be permitted even to dream of a “better life." We will take whatever the government hands out and like it –– or else. "Else" being either The Gulag or the Firing Squad.
Everyone will work for The State –– no one else. Private ownership of property real and personal will be strictly illegal. Money as such will be outlawed. Likewise the possession of jewels and precious metals all of which will be summarily confiscated by The New World Order.
No. I'm not kidding. This is exactly where we are headed with the full complicity of the majority of the electorate.
Last Tuesday we irrevocably turned ourselves into a MORONOCRACY. This is what comes of giving the franchise to “the vulgar populace.”
If you want to survive in The New World Order, keep your head down, never look up, never question any decisions made for you –– don't even mumble to yourself –– and above all paste a brave, resolute smile on your face and pretend to be contented with your lot. You won't have the luxury of being able to make choices anymore. You will be a SLAVE to The Oligarchs.
It’s no one’s fault but your own. You voted for it.
~ FreeThinke
ReplyDeleteI love your neologisms.
You forgot one thing. The ruling elites will of course be exempted from all of the above.
It happens everywhere. In Venezuela, where Chavez brought his "Bolivarian Revolution" (Simon Bolivar is rolling over in his grave, btw) they got rid of the oligarchs and replace them with Lexus driving "Bolivarchs," another neologism coined by the anti-Chavistas.
"The ruling elites will of course be exempted from all of the above."
ReplyDeleteMais oui, Monsieur. Certainment, mais ca va sans dire.
Which means "You bet your sweet bippy!" ;-)
As Chicken-Licken went one day to the wood, an acorn fell upon her poor bald pate, and she thought the sky had fallen. So she said she would go and tell the king that the sky had fallen. So Chicken-Licken turned back, and met Hen-Len.
ReplyDelete"Well, Hen-Len, where are you going?"
And Hen-Len said, "I'm going to the wood for some meat."
And Chicken-Licken said, "Oh! Hen-Len, don't go, for I was going, and the sky fell upon my poor bald pate, and I'm going to tell the king."
So Hen-Len turned back with Chicken-Licken, and met Cock-Lock. "Oh! Cock-Lock, where are you going?"
And Cock-Lock said, "I'm going to the wood for some meat." Then Hen-Len said, "Oh! Cock-Lock, don't go, for I was going, and I met Chicken-Licken, and Chicken-Licken had been at the wood, and the sky had fallen on her poor bald pate, and we are going to tell the king."
So Cock-Lock turned back, and met Duck-Luck. "Well, Duck-Luck, where are you going?"
And Duck-Luck said, "I'm going to the wood for some meat."
Then Cock-Lock said, "Oh! Duck-Luck, don't go, for I was going, and I met Hen-Len, and Hen-Len met Chicken-Licken, and Chicken-Licken had been at the wood, and the sky had fallen on her poor bald pate, and we are going to tell the king."
So Duck-Luck turned back, and met Drake-Lake.
"Well, Drake-Lake, where are you going?" And Drake-Lake said, "I'm going to the wood for some meat."
Then Duck-Luck said, "Oh! Drake-Lake, don't go, for I was going, and I met Cock-Lock, and Cock-Lock met Hen-Len, and Hen-Len met Chicken-Licken, and Chicken-Licken had been at the wood, and the sky had fallen on her poor bald pate, and we are going to tell the king."
So Drake-Lake turned back, and met Goose-Loose. "Well, Goose-Loose, where are you going?"
And Goose-Loose said, "I'm going to the wood for some meat."
Then Drake-Lake said, "Oh! Goose-Loose, don't go, for I was going, and I met Duck-Luck, and Duck-Luck met Cock-Lock, and Cock-Lock met Hen-Len, and Hen-Len met Chicken-Licken, and Chicken-Licken had been at the wood, and the sky had fallen on her poor bald pate, and we are going to tell the king."
ReplyDeleteSo Goose-Loose turned back, and met Gander-Lander. " Well, Gander-Lander, where are you going?"
And Gander-Lander said, "I'm going to the wood for some meat."
Then Goose-Loose said, "Oh! Gander-Lander, don't go, for I was going, and I met Drake-Lake, and Drake-Lake met Duck-Luck, and Duck-Luck met Cock-Lock, and Cock-Lock met Hen-Len, and Hen-Len met Chicken-Licken, and Chicken-Licken had been at the wood, and the sky had fallen on her poor bald pate, and we are going to tell the king."
So Gander-Lander turned back, and met Turkey-Lurkey. "Well, Turkey-Lurkey, where are you going?"
And Turkey-Lurkey said, "I'm going to the wood for some meat." Then Gander-Lander said, "Oh! Turkey-Lurkey, don't go, for I was going, and I met Goose-Loose, and Goose-Loose met Drake-Lake, and Drake-Lake met Duck-Luck, and Duck-Luck met Cock-Lock, and Cock-Lock met Hen-Len, and Hen-Len met Chicken-Licken, and Chicken-Licken had been at the wood, and the sky had fallen on her poor bald pate, and we are going to tell the king."
So Turkey-Lurkey turned back, and walked with Gander-Lander, Goose-Loose, Drake-Lake, Duck-Luck, Cock-Lock, Hen-Len, and Chicken-Licken. And as they were going along, they met Fox-lox.
And Fox-Lox said, " Where are you going, my pretty maids?"
And they said, "Chicken-licken went to the wood, and the sky fell upon her poor bald pate, and we are going to tell the king."
And Fox-Lox said, "Come along with me, and I will show you the way."
But Fox-Lox took them into the fox's hole, and he and his young ones soon ate up poor Chicken-Licken, Hen-Len, Cock-Lock, Duck-Luck, Drake-Lake, Goose-Loose, Gander-Lander, and Turkey-Lurkey, and they never saw the king, to tell him that the sky had fallen!
ReplyDeleteInstead of fearing that the end is near, perhaps you should be on the lookout for the foreknow on Kairos head, as she sprints towards you.
The ring is coming... prepare to SEIZE it!
erratum - fore KNOT on top of Kairos head
ReplyDeletefor those that do... will be the new "Bolivarchs."
ReplyDeleteBtw - Don't forget, Kairos SHAVES the BACK of his head!
ReplyDelete...and he runs really, REALLY fast!
I hope I don't live long enough to see all that you foresee, but I am sure to see some of it, and I know I won't like it. Just listening to King Harry and the rest of the libturds talking about their so-called mandate makes me want to upchuck!
ReplyDeleteWhat would this nation ever do without the freedom to say what we think and to be who we are.
ReplyDeleteStay tuned as the possibility of change looms quite ominously over our individual heads.
You can thank the statist rEpublithugs and the even more statist dEmothugs for their concern for our welfare so to speak.
I'm glad that I'm as old as I am.
ReplyDeleteWe will no longer be permitted even to dream of a “better life." We will take whatever the government hands out and like it –– or else. "Else" being either The Gulag or the Firing Squad.
ReplyDeleteAs that vicious old bastard George Bernard Shaw aptly put it:
"Socialism means equality of income or nothing... under socialism you would not be allowed to be poor. You would be forcibly fed, clothed, lodged, taught, and employed whether you like it or not. If it were discovered that you had not character enough to be worth all this trouble, you might possibly be executed in a kindly manner; but whilst you were permitted to live you would have to live well."
Isn't that the road we have been travelling for decades if not the last century in the countries supposedly comprising "Western Civilization"?
Maybe we've finally arrived at the destination mapped out by these bastards who went about the work of preparing the cage and noose and all that's left to do is implement their evil plan in full.
Here's something from Democratic Underground discussing this thinking several years ago. Specifically in reference to Maurice Strong, this will give a good picture of the mentality behind the idea of leveling Western Civilization, and it's straight from the horses's mouth, so to speak:
ReplyDelete"In 1978, a mystic informed Hanne and Maurice Strong that "the Baca would become the center for a new planetary order which would evolve from the economic collapse and environmental catastrophes that would sweep the globe in the years to come." The Strongs say they see the Baca, which they call 'The Valley Of the Refuge Of World Truths ,'" as the paradigm for the entire planet and say that the fate of the earth is at stake. Shirley MacLaine agrees - her astrologer told her to move to the Baca, and she did. She is building a New Age study center at the Baca where people can take short week-long courses on the occult! Apparently, the Kissingers, the Rockefellers, the McNamaras, the Rothschild's, and other Establishment New World Order elitists all agree as well, for they do their pilgrimage to the Baca - where politics and the occult - the New World Order and the New Age - all merge. Watch Maurice Strong and watch the Baca!"
"Here's Strong, thinking dangerous thoughts aloud at the conclusion of an interview with WEST magazine in May, 1990 entitled "The Wizard of the Baca Grande":
ReplyDeleteEach year the World Economic Forum convenes in Davos, Switzerland. Over a thousand CEOs, prime ministers, finance ministers, and leading academics gather in February to attend meetings and set the economic agendas for the year ahead. What if a small group of these word leaders were to conclude that the principle risk to the earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? And if the world is to survive, those rich countries would have to sign an agreement reducing their impact on the environment. Will they do it? Will the rich countries agree to reduce their impact on the environment? Will they agree to save the earth?
The group's conclusion is "no." The rich countries won't do it. They won't change. So, in order to save the planet, the group decides: isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?
This group of world leaders form a secret society to bring about a world collapse. It's February. They're all at Davos. These aren't terrorists - they're world leaders. They have positioned themselves in the world's commodity and stock markets. They've engineered, using their access to stock exchanges, and computers, and gold supplies, a panic. Then they prevent the markets from closing. They jam the gears. They have mercenaries who hold the rest of the world leaders at Davros as hostage. The markets can't close. The rich countries...?
The journalist adds, "and Strong makes a slight motion with his fingers as if he were flicking a cigarette butt out of the window. I sat there spellbound.... He is, in fact, co-chairman of the Council of the World Economic Forum. He sits at the fulcrum of power. He is in a position to do it."
Many who have come to read between the lines of the official fable of 9/11 stop reading once they read of PNAC and The Grand Chessboard. I used to as well. But I've been persuaded that the deep truths of 9/11 run deeper, just as the planning and facilitation of the attacks are older than Dick Cheney's regency. And Strong's words strike me as making as compelling a case for self-indictment as PNAC's "new Pearl Harbor."
Certainly the neoconservatives are important players in the drama. (Lest we forget, Strong will now be advising Paul Wolfowitz in the latter's new role as President of the World Bank). But the neocons may themselves have been played, and too blinded by their imperial overreach to know they've become useful idiots of another agenda which will mean America's ruin. An agenda which intends to reboot the world.
I've said it before, but there's something about Luciferians that bears repeating: they think they're the good guys."
ReplyDeleteThat is GREAT contribution. Thank you.
I subscribe to this view, myself, but tired of being told, "Shut up, you fool. Go put in your tinfoil hat, and cower under the bunk in your padded cell, if you must, but don't bother us SENSIBLE people with your lunatic ravings."
What the hell is "BACA," by the way? I'd never heard that term before?
Could it have anything to do with this?
New Mexico's Baca Ranch soon to be public land
July 17, 2000
Anglers, loggers, hikers, hunters, naturalists and geologists who used to appreciate New Mexico's Baca Ranch from the other side of a barbed-wire fence don't have to stand on the outside anymore.
Congress has approved a purchase price of $101 million to turn the Baca property, a 95,000-acre jewel in the heart of the Jemez Mountains of northern New Mexico, into public land, and President Clinton is ready to sign the bill into law."They're not making any more Baca ranches," said Lois Lyles of the National Parks and Conservation Association. "It has incredible biodiversity. The previous owners did practice good land stewardship. It's as pristine an area as I've ever seen."
Best regards,
~ FreeThinke
FT, the Baca is a huge tract of land in Colorado, several thousands of acres, I believe. Here's a link to a site that explains it, in their own words...
Thanks, Waylon. This is all new to me, although I've been painfully aware of The Oligarchs for a long time.
ReplyDeleteMegalomaniacs all no doubt, and they DO think of themselves as "the good guys."
I think Lenin and Hitler and Castro, et al believed THEY were good guys, didn't they?
~ FT
F.T. ~
ReplyDelete>>...If you want to survive in The New World Order…
OK, this is what I’M YAKKIN’ ‘BOUT! It’s been the consistent blogging from a dual-political-party paradigm that has prevented me from really weighing in on this blog.
Free Thinke, I knew you knew because you told me so. Therefore, I was aware that you were secretly well ahead of the political curve. But as long as the general viewpoint here was the old, false, deluded, conditioned ‘Dumb-O-Crat Vs. Repugnantcan’ line, I simply couldn’t jump in and get much involved.
As I once wrote:
“Until a person has a working knowledge of 'The Federal Reserve System' and 'The Council On Foreign Relations', he or she has no real understanding of the contemporary American/geopolitical landscape. Anytime you find a Democrat and a Republican arguing politics, you can be sure that neither one of them actually knows the truth . . . unless they're professional politicians.”
But now, you y’self have used the phrase ‘New World Order’, and everyone ‘in the know’ knows that means both political parties are secretly in cahoots and delivering us up to the Illuminati goal (or “Oligarchs”, if you prefer that term) of a Global Socialistic Government.
The entire Republicans (“Conservatives”) Versus Democrats (“Liberals”) paradigm is utter bullshit, and it was utter bullshit before any one of us commenting here was even born! To quote Max Taber from ‘One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest’: “Play the game and knock off the bullshit.”
>>…It’s no one’s fault but your own. You voted for it.
“Not I”, said Even-Stephen. “I wrote in the name RON PAUL”.
That’s right. Romney was going to win my state – Airheadzona – with or without my vote. Regardless, I would have voted for the BEST candidate (Dr. Paul), rather than ‘the lesser of two evils’, even if my sole vote was the difference between a ‘President Romney’ and a ‘President Obama’. I don’t vote for “evil”, lesser or otherwise. Americonned People voting for the lesser of two evils is how we wound up in this mess to begin with!
Awww! I was going to comment on FJ’s story about ‘Chicken-Licken’ and how it reminded me of one of conservatism’s greatest and most unknown “fighters”, whom I had the pleasure to consider a true friend, but . . . I think I’m just going to crawl back into my hole because I’m pretty sure this blog will return to a ‘Rep V. Dem’ worldview before the end of next week.
Don’t mind me, F.T., I’m jus’ thinkin’ out loud.
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’
Waylon's remark is right on target. Damn! Waylon "gets it" too!
>>...I've said it before, but there's something about Luciferians that bears repeating: they think they're the good guys.
In the end, it's NOT about MONEY; it's about the POWER to achieve CONTROL. And the control is to be ultimately turned over to... (Any guesses? Anyone?)
The "anti-Semitism" canard lurks deep in the shadows surrounding all these discussions, Stephen. Most dare not attempt to address the root causes of the social and economic ills we abhor, because they are deathly afraid of being labeled "anti-Semitic."
ReplyDeleteIf you think it's become suicidal to say anything that might give "them" an excuse to call you a "racist," saying anything that might appear to justify their calling you an "anti-Semite" means you've bought a one-way ticket to Hell.
The reputations of Henry Ford, Joe McCarthy, J. Edgar Hoover, Richard Nixon, Joseph Sobran, Joesph Farah, Lew Rockwell, Charles Murray, and latterly Ron Paul, Glenn Beck and Andrew Napolitano -- to name just a few -- have been besmirched and either destroyed completely or weakened to the point where they've been kicked to the fringes and are now considered "marginal" at best and disreputable or even vile at worst.
HOWEVER, the problem is not monocausal. It's highly complex, and in truth "our" people are as much to blame for it as anyone, because "our" lack of wisdom and foresight, and "our" having failed to resist the temptation to exploit others when that was still possible.
Now "they" are exploiting "us."
What was that tedious adage about two wrongs, etc.?
~ FreeThinke
PS: And yes OF COURSE it has alway been the desire to gain sufficient power to dictate terms to everyone outside your own bailiwick that motivates these grand, always diabolical schemes. Just read the Old testament, if you don't believe me. One needs no further proof. Cloaking conquest, theft, enslavements of whole populations and mass murder in the garb of GOD-MANDATED RIGHTEOUSNESS has been around since the days we dwelt in caves no doubt.
"Fight the good fight with all of thy might."
"Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free."
Onward and upward!
~ FT
I'm not at all into the 9/11 truther ideology.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I have never discounted that the vast majority of political matters are controlled by the puppet masters who typically remain in the shadows.
Didn't even Ronald Reagan belong to the CFR?
F.T. ~
ReplyDeleteFirst, I apologize. I probably shouldn't have spoken out like that. It's your blog and you operate it as you alone see fit, and that's as it should be.
But this 2012 presidential election outcome shocked me and angered me. And four days later I remain shocked and angered.
I have enjoyed your blog even though it is primarily looking at politics from a Rep. Vs. Dem. paradigm. But I found it so refreshing when you referenced the deeper, greater truth here in mentioning the New World Order.
Your comment was a fine response - as usual. There is much I could say in reply, but I don't believe I'll spend that much time on it, as I have a comment to respond to on my own blog this morning.
But I have spent so many years studying the NWO that I am not easily thrown for a loop when someone tries to play it off as something it isn't. That being a Jewish plot to conquer the world. My first response has often been, "When did the Rockefellers become Jewish?"
The real story of Joseph McCarthy is my specialty, and I have wiped the floor with many a Lib over the years in debates about the super-patriot McCarthy (whose gravesite I have visted in Appleton, Wisconsin).
Let's see, McCarthy's most valuable asset during his so-called "witch hunt" (which I've always cleverly called "a communist hunt") was lawyer and friend Roy Cohn - a Jew. Oops. Gotta cross McCarthy off that "anti-Semite" list too, it seems.
>>...If you think it's become suicidal to say anything that might give "them" an excuse to call you a "racist," saying anything that might appear to justify their calling you an "anti-Semite" means you've bought a one-way ticket to Hell.
Yeah, I hear what you're saying. But I have never shied away from speaking the truth regardless. If someone thinks they can take something I've written and use it to prove me a "racist" or "anti-Semite" I encourage them to try. It's never worked yet. I've been called every name in the book, but when the smoke has cleared and the dust has settled, I've always been the last one standing. And my opponents, the Libs, they have always crawled away in silence, leaving me with the final word. When I debate Libs, I expect no mercy from them and I show them no mercy. I've learned the best way to handle Libs is to bludgeon them into silence with the truth. (But of course, in order to do that one must KNOW the truth. And that's where all of my studying has come in handy.)
Actually, I have even CELEBRATED the fact that Libs have tried to label me with epithets that don't fit. For example, the very name of my blog, "Ferret-Faced Fascist", is something some HELLary Clinton-lovin' Lib called me many years ago. After getting the final word against her, I made her epithet the heading under which I wrote even more xtreme conservative (i.e., Constitutional) viewpoints.
So, anyway, what I'm saying is, I don't scare easily, and no lying Lib has ever been able to make their false accusations stick to me.
>>...Just read the Old testament, if you don't believe me. One needs no further proof. Cloaking conquest, theft, enslavements of whole populations and mass murder in the garb of GOD-MANDATED RIGHTEOUSNESS has been around since the days we dwelt in caves no doubt.
That, above, was the one part of your response that really surprised me. I HAVE read the Old Testament, in its entirety, no less than seventeen times. Are you saying you don't believe the ancient Jews were really commanded by God to do what they did? That they just used "the Word of God" as a cover, falsely justifying the wars they fought, the killings they committed, and the lands and loot they took?
Well, Brother, keep on bloggin' in whatever way you choose. I support you.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
ReplyDelete>>...Didn't even Ronald Reagan belong to the CFR?
No, Reagan himself was not a CFR member. He did, however, appoint 70 CFR members to his administration.
I once wrote a blog installment titled #1 RULE OF POLITICS in which I clearly showed that Reagan was secretly one of “them”, not one of “us”. It’s too lengthy to post in this comment section, but if you have any interest in reading it, you will find it by clicking HERE.
As for the 9/11 Truther position. I would highly urge you to put your preconceived ideas about it aside for just a month or two and really investigate it objectively. You will be shocked, disgusted, and angry to your toes. My belief is that no person can diligently and objectively study the 9/11 evidence and walk away from it believing in the fictional story that Uncle Sam has spoon-fed to the Americonned People.
If you take up a study of it for a month or two, please make known to me your results.
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’